
Showing posts from September, 2018

Berkeley Summer 2018

What a great competition! Goals and mains my WCA profile The event This competition was in the same venue as my last one. So basically for the competition, I was doing 4x4, which was the earliest event, so I had to wake up at 6:30. Seems like BART doesn't start until 8, so we had to drive there. When we got there, there was barely anyone, but I saw Eric(Dennis' Brother) so I decided to sit next to him. I did 4x4, then 3x3 OH. I only got to do two solves on both events, because I couldn't make cutoff, so I was already feeling kinda bad. While 3x3 OH, the guy was like "we need more judges, anyone feel free to volunteer" so then I was like okay I'll try it out. When I asked "how do you judge" he COMPLETELy ignored me and just told me to sit at this station. I decided to try without any instructions. There was a stopwatch, a timer, and some stuf.f I think I know how to do htis. The first guy comes over and he FRIGIN +2S OMG. ...

The path you should take when cubing

I've been cubing for more than four years now, so I know some stuff. If you're just starting, here's the path tha I think is the best and stuff. Learn how to solve one side(optional) Learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube. A good tutorial IMO is  this one Learn Z Perm and H Perm Become 2-look OLL Learn F2L intuitively. (probably the longest step. Really hard to learn) Learn cross without using daisy Learn how to solve a 4x4 Learn how to solve a skewb Learn how to solve a pyraminx Grind your way into more and more F2L cases Learn T Perm Learn how to solve a 5x5 Learn megaminx Learn how to solve 6x6 and above using your brain, based on knowledge of 4x4 and 5x5 Learn Yau4 for 4x4 Learn ortega for 2x2 Become 2-Look PLL: Learn Y, E, V, N Perm Become sub 28 Go to a Rubik's cube competition Learn Yau5 Learn full PLL Learn 8-move cross solutions Learn full OLL Learn BLD Learn squan Become sub 15 Learn all of the other WCA events except for FMC, 4x4...

One of my best battles

So I was rocking a game on PTCGO with this swampert deck. I bought the swampert theme deck with 500 coins, and I edited it out a bit. I rolled a game in the medium arena, or the arena where the people with the same level deck as me. I went first. AND THEN I FREAKING HAD A DUNSPARCE IN MY STARTING HAND. While my opponent had an eevee as the active and oranguru on the bench... I was thinking that this might be an espeon or leafeon deck. SO I placed down the dunsparce as the active and I passed cuz I couldn't attack. And then my opponent...ATACHED A FREAKING FAIRY ENERGY. It was a sylveon GX.... And then he nest balled for a freaking ralts. If you don't know, the world champion in 2017 played a Gardevoir Deck. I was literally playing a Gardevoir deck. I WAS IN THE FREAKING MEDIUM ARENA. And then he got off a turn one magical ribbon. I was praying for a judge, but I didn't top-deck it. I ended up just striking and running for a mudkip, slugma, and snover, t...

Goals and mains for Berkeley Summer 2018!

I can't wait to go to this comp! I get to visit my sister, and catch some water pokemon in Pokemon GO. A lot of people from pleasanton are coming to this comp, for example, Eric Chen, Dennis's brother will be a first-timer. Travis G. Kim is this guy that goes to Hart. I don't know anything about him, but he's my friend's friend! Anyway, let's just get to it. MAINS 2x2: MoYu Weipo I was planning to use the Chuwen, but after using it for a couple of months, I realized that it just didn't fit me. Another reason why I'm not using the ChuWen is because one of the stickers is peeling off. 3x3: Cubicle Valk Power M This is a no-brainer. The Cubicle Valk Power M gives a crunchy, yet crispy and buttery OK . I hate reviewing cubes, as saying crunchy, crispy, buttery, smooth, blocky, etc. just gets me annoyed IDK. 4x4: MoYu AoSu Ishayu helped me set up this cube, which is really cool. I love 4x4, although I suck at it. Yau is a very fun meth...

Have you noticed this?? So basically, in the month of May, every single post had the letter "o" and the letter "c" in them, and the "o" was always before the "c" Except for the last post, cuz I completely forgot xD Yeah, not that cool, but this let to some bizzare names. I also hinted this in So yeah.