Pokemon GO(2)
Tbh I came back to Pokemon GO at kinda the correct time. I'm really bummed that I came RIGHT after larvitar community day, but that's fine. This year there are so many events. First of all, once every month, a three hour event community day occurs. Basically a certain Pokemon will spawn like everywhere, with the chance of being shiny, plus an added bonus, something that changes every time(3x catch XP, 1/4 egg distance, 3-hour lure modules). The pokemon's evolution also has an exclusive move. September was chikorita, August was Eevee And that's all I've done, since I got back into Pokemon GO in August. I've seen bulbasaur, larvitar, and some others I forgot. Anyway, October's community day event is gonna be... BELDUM OMG YES. first of all, metagross' shiny form is 10/10 on point it's EPIC. Beldum is typically a really rare Pokemon, around the same as larvitar. And metagross is considered the best steel type attacker in th...