quick update ig + nba events
Sorry I haven't posted in like a month, I've been working on math and coding. As I'm progressing and learning more data structures, I'm preparing for the USACO bronze thing with a friend. Other than that my birthday was three days ago. I got some stuff: This is the GuoGuan YueXiao EDM Pro along with the QiYi QiMeng Plus . I got the 18 dollar EDM Pro because it has a really convenient magnet adjustment system that I just had to check out and it also has the MoYu tensioning system. Other then that it feels really light and blocky. It's not going to be my main but I will practice with it often for the magnet system. The 9 dollar QiYi QiMeng Plus is 90mm and was super nice right out of the box. I had to add in some lube but other than that it's really fun to solve with and I've heard that warming up with a bigger puzzle helps you because of the focus, effort, and precision. Next up is this Halloween limited edition Spooky Speed Cube tha...