Road to sub 4 | Episode 2

-_- -_- -_- -_- all my times got wiped from cs timer -_- this is the second time it happened I finished another session with 3500+ solves ltierally a month ago and i was too lazy to make a i have to pay the price -_- bruh All I remember was that I had a global mean of aroudn 4.3 -> 4.35 . Somewhere around the range, so IMPROVEMENT. SO then I started another session on 1/6/21. It was at around 1500 solves before all my cstimer times got wiped randomly. I remember the global mean was literally 4.1 -> 4.2 Somewhere around that range. So essentially, I went from 4.4 to 4.1 average in like 4 months. ITS HAPPENING LETSGOOOOOOOOO SO why did I improve thsi much? Cubing is always algs + practice, especially in TPS-oriented events like skewb,2x2,pyraminx. In other events there's more components of look ahead or other techniques. I've been working on the NS. I learned ALL OF THE L5C CASES. YES. I remember I learned all remaining 8 of them in one day. I've been procr...