
Showing posts from July, 2023


  [SPOILERS ARE MENTIONED] so there are two movies, oppenheimer and barbie, that came out on the same day. this lead to a ton of hype and like dialogues and idk stuff. It’s just two big movies that somehow chose the SAME release date. Barbie went thru TONS of promotion, especially with the soundtrack and stuff. Then there is oppenheimer, the movie I was looking forward to because it was directed by christopher nolan who also directed tons of big thrillers, like the batman trilogy. So it’s like christopher nolan type movie, about the making of the atomic bomb, so that concept was SUPER exciting to me. barbie was cool too, just not as hype as oppenheimer. So then the two movies released, tons of memes were made lmao cuz its like two very different atmospheres of movies. I opted to watch oppenheimer first on thursday, then barbie friday, cuz barbie is light-hearted and it is nice to finish off with. oppenheimer that movie is pretty dogsh*t, i went into it blindly so i was expecting so...

CubingUSA Western Champs 2023

  So last weekend was cubingUSA western champs 2023, its one ofthe like 8 regional competitions that happens around the country. and this year's westerns was in NorCal, Berkeley!! Very ideal. Last year's was in UCLA in socal and I couldn't go.  There's not much else to talk about. I scouted out the skewb roster and it was pretty stacked, with stanley chapel, jack stewart, cameron miller being my main problem. My gameplan was basically to kinda go all out and try to get some good averages in final round. But yea theres TONS OF famous people. Max Park, Max Siauw, Sameer Aggarwall, Tommy Cherry, Stanley Chapel, Graham Siggins, Elijah Brown. Rowe Hessler too but he didn't end up coming. That is SUPER EXCITING. This was my first ever big comp. And I know I said there's not mnuch else to talk about lmao but I also was going to be staffing for...