
Showing posts from February, 2024

ICPC 2023 regionals

How do I even start. So I'm in the competitive programming club here at UC Santa Cruz where the premise is basically just centered around ICPC. It's a big competition that's truly global. Like tons of European and Asian colleges along with middleeastern and even African colleges participate in it. It's basically groups of 3 people solving a set of ~13 problems from colleges. And not to mention the contest is literally 5 hours long. stream link general/broad contest page So before I get to the contest man I woke up at 7:30 and got to the quarry plaza at 8 AM where one of the coaches/UCSC student picked me up and the rest of my team to carpool to De Anza college. Here we are at the California venue. Notably Berkeley, Stanford, UC Davis, SCU, De Anza themselves, SFU, SJSU, Chico state, and some other CSUs and other colleges. So you know what that means TIMOTHY PULLED UP which was so fun because first of all when we got there I saw this guy: THAT right there is xiaowuc1. Wh...

College Freshmen year Winter quarter update

 Hi, I've been pretty busy and I am still very busy with a ton of stuff to do, but here's your little quarter midpoint checkup update post or whatever. Let's get straight into it: Overview This quarter is definitely harder than my previous quarter. First of all, I'm taking 4 classes:  - AM 10 (Applied Math Linear Algebra)  - CSE 16 (Applied Discrete Mathematics)  - CSE 12 (Computer Systems and Assembly)  - MUSC 80P (US Popular Music) Last quarter I only took 3. I wasn't expecting to get off the waitlist for MUSC 80P but I did 1 week into the quarter and had a lotta catchup to do but I'm good now. AM 10 (Applied Math Linear Algebra) This class is arguably my hardest. The thing we have to address right off the bat is how horrible my professor is, he's like a very young phd student or something and he projects a written notes sheet and just writes stuff in pen and it's just so horrible. Many times he'll go on a rush of just spamming out conceptual stuff...