The first day of school..again

last year

So this is my schedule

  1. Block-Michel
  2. Block-Michel
  3. Spanish-Singh
  4. PE-Machone
  5. Lunch
  6. Wind Ensemble-Perazzo
  7. Science-O'dea
  8. Math-Lomas

Im excited for the year lol

1-2 Periods

      Michel is kinda hard to explain. I can tell she will be a good block teacher. She's so smiley and stuff though. Unlike others, she gave a perfect intro and I think she should be okay.

3 Period

      Singh is just the classic Singh, known for giving out one-hour stories of herself. There's a lot of people in my class, and I'd say she's a good teacher

4 Period

      I have no idea what Mchone is like because today in PE they literally just had us walk around the track and talk.

6 Period


7 Period

      I've actually knew O'dea before school because I was in his summer camp before. He taught me how to use garage band, and his TA for the class was the guy who made this. He's definitely a great teacher and is gonna be really nice. He introduced something called "THE CAN" which is basically something where if you get in trouble, you get to pull out of "THE CAN" and receive a slip of paper. On that paper is stuff like "the scraper" where you scrape gum, "the gambler" where you gamble for how many copies of a certain word or sentence you have to write, and a bunch of other stuff. The one thing I don't get is how there is a slip of paper where you have to a one on one Mr. O'dea, which seems weird because that shouldn't be a punishment?

8 Period

     Lomas is Lomas. He's basically the best teacher in the school, and is just wow.

Lyric(s) of the Post:Don't be afraid
The shadows know me Let's leave the world behind
Darkside – Alan Walker, Au/Ra, Tomine Harket


  1. Nice! You have decent/good teachers.
    For me:
    1st period math (lomas)
    2nd period Spanish (singh)
    3rd/4th period block (c. brazil)
    5th period lunch
    6th period pe (popick)
    7th period pltw (murphy)
    8th period O'Dea

    New teachers for me: popick, murphy, O'Dea, brazil
    popick is pretty regular (I mean, not like p.e. teachers differ much), but he has that saying in the beginning that took me a week to figure out what he was saying.
    murphy is fun, as usual (like in 6th grade wheel). He also dismisses us early and has FDF. really cool teacher.
    O'Dea is a pretty good science teacher. Nice and enthusiastic, and knows what he's doing.
    C. Brazil (the younger one) is knowledgeable, but obviously strict. Her class will likely prove a challenge at times.


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