A big review(1)

Yeah. This was supposed to be my 1 year anniversary post.....

I started this blog a year ago. This will be my [insert # of posts]th post.

It's crazy, when I started this, I thought it'd be some stupid thing that i'd only commit to for a week.

But...here I am!

To celebrate, I will be writing a story, make a stupid post about all of my previous posts and my journey  A REVIEW ON MY TOP 30 SONGS.

I saw Emerson make a bunch of YouTube playlists of his top songs, so I made one on Spotify. I will be making in depth reviews of the 30 songs.

This will be splitted into Part one and Part two. I've been working on this for a while.

So....let's start
(Note, some of these reviews may be copied from Artist Reviews)

She Got Me Like – Halvorsen

A moment of silence before the lyrics get started with no fade. Lyrics are describing this girl right now. Sets a scene, a feeling. After a sentence of "I know she won't be good for me" comes three large beats before the prechorus is started.

And this is when it gets catchy. Two-three word segments are transitioned through synth drops. A piano being banged can be heard. A faint whistling sound can also be heard. Then "waste that change" is looped before the beat speeds up and drops.

Synth break is a bit complicated with lots of cutoffs and a synth pad. This repeats another two times. The ending of this synth break is definitely an unique one.

Lyrics come again, but he emphasizes his pain and pours out his thoughts. Prechorus repeated.

Ill skip the synth break comes, before it ends with no fade, but is definitely clear and matches. Ends with the name of the song.

Thunderstruck – Owl City, Sarah Russell

They start this song with a very nice digital synth, muffled. Melody stands out. Then everything gets unmuffled, fades in, and then a quick drop. Synth break is very good, especially the transitions. Sounds a bit like Laura Brehm. Quick synth break, before Adam Young starts his singing. He says a couple, along with a soothing bell. Sarah comes in, before Adam says "I've never felt so wide awake" and then this monstrous and yet satisfying synth voice comes in. Lots going on. A synth pad, heavy beat, and that monstrous synth voice. On top of that is the singing. This is very catchy, and just such a great tune. Sarah comes in to echo occasionally. Everything is just matching. Then a familiar tune(the beginning) is played. Before you know it, the verse comes again. Adds in weird(in a good way) synths. A chord is rising up and down before Adam comes in for this madness again. Sarah again occasionally comes in to echo. A short transition leads to the bridge. Another tune is added. Very good bass-line before the beatdrop. A moment of silence after the beat hits before Sarah comes in this time to sing this chorus. And adam is echoing. Ending is amazing, that weird thing.

Fall To Light – Laszlo

For some reason the beginning gives me a feeling that I'm on a train. It's like a stereo-type tune.

Just simple chords

Then the melody hits, it will be like this throughout the song. The melody is extremely catchy. Beat comes in to transition the melody into a loop. Beat drop comes. Short beat drop. Melody for chorus.

A split second of silence acts as a transition for loops. A small bell is hit. Then we find a familiar tune...from the beginning. It plays for a short amount of time, beat drop hits. Then the common melody is played again.  Ending of the song is the same as the beginning.  Reminds me of Codeko Crest. OH, speaking of codeko crest...

 Crest – Codeko

A strong beat hits. Two notes are repeated, faded out a bit. Good transition for the beat. Now this part is what makes this a good song. This song has a melody repeated over and over again, but with this slight ripple synth, it gives you a hint on what this melody could be. Then the melody fades in. You can hear a synth lead every measure. YEAHHHHH. Good background melody. Then the melody is strong. Honestly, I thought there would be a beat drop that lead to this melody. Then we hear the beat. WAIT A MINUTE......A BEAT DROP IS COMING. BUMBUMBUMBUMBUNMBUMUMUMUUMUMUMUMUMUUMUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM dohaoeuhroaieuhroieahraoiewhroiauehrorieauhreaoiryaheroaehr

Great, short, fade as a transition. We can hear the two notes, repeated again, but this time it is not the main melody. Then eveyrthing comes back. The ripple synth with that strong melody fades in. Good lead ins.

Then a beat drop comes in. A bit different, in the sense of having the melody being played while the beat drop is hitting. When it hits, we hear a measure of just clear beat, then the melody strikes in.

And that shall be all.

Kaibu – Killercats

The synth used for the beginning of this song is similar to the beginning of Tell me, just a bit smoother. Anyway, if you listen closely, you'll hear a thud timed at the exact same time the synth starts. You'll hear a crash every time a note starts. IMO, the tune is much better than tell me. I loved this song. I mean, I still do, it's just that I don't listen to it as much. When more beats and rhythms kicks in, another synth voice echoing comes in along. A guitar is also added, or what seems like one. As soon as the next set of beats/rhythms/synthvoices/etc comes in, you know a beat drop is coming....NOPE BUT KILLERCATS JUKES YOU OUT. After another measure, the beat drop finally comes. Synth voices used during the beat drop with "ai ai ai" or "ayayayay" idk. I fell like an "ohohohohoh" could make the synth voices better. The tip of the beat drop's synth voices are absolutely amazing. The echoing and everything about it. The synth voices used during the synth breaks. In between pauses is a good pause. Then a SECOND melody comes in. WOw amazing. Especially the second one. THe synth, the type of synth. Wow. The wavy synth used to start off the second verse is awesome.
This repeats

Still love the synchro nyce today. And the ending note.

ILY – Axol

Beginning gives you a nice feel. Everything fades in. Lyrics, vocals, are all very fitting. Beat is a calm-type beat. Vocalist emphasizes notes. Synth lead could be heard. Then a synth voice. Beat drop. BANG NO WAY NO WAY HE DID NOT JUST NO WAY. WHAT A BANGER.

That is seriously one of the best beat drops I've ever heard. Woww.

Synth break could need some help. ;)

Kinda short synth break. The synth kinda goes in swirly, smooth loops, going up and down. Gives you a dizzy(in a good way) feel. As a transition, they either raise the downbeat up or down, up being the last time. Then the synth voice gets cut off by the chorus. A mini digital synth solo, before synth voices come in to lead for a beat drop. Same synth break. Vocalist then comes in along, singing with a passion, a confident mindset, and pride.

Return – Axel Wernberg, Linne, Ennex

Start off this song with an analog synth. Then beat comes in. Then they stutter the analog synth. Then they add in a guy that just says "HEY." literally imagine if looping didn't exist. You're just standing there in front of the mic like


 And imagine if copy and pasting didn't exist. I'll be sitting there in front of the keyboard like

Slight beat drop, but with a cymbal that fades out.

Then it's just plain relaxation. Just the analog synth and a beat. Before it ends into this weird bell synth. They harmonize with the analog synth, then fade the weird bell synth out. The HEY comes in, a bit louder than before. Same beat drop, downbeat is high.

Then it's another soothing session. Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Good transition, fades out, then back in.


Weird bell synth comes in, with a background melody. Sounds a bit off at one point.

Good Time – Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen

A guitar. Whenever I hear this beginning, I just think of my dad's ringtone. Anyway,

I'll refer Carly Rae Jepsen as Carly. And Owl City as Adam.

Carly comes in with a moment of falsetto. Then a whoaa before adam comes in with "It's always a good time," This happens one more time before a strong, half-digital, half-analog synth comes in for a short solo. Bass line is definitely being heard for a measure before it is cut off. Then you realize that this bassline repeats every couple of measures. Lyrics are positve, something I like. Just gives you that vibe that makes you feel that you live for a reason. Two notes are sprung on a quick loop, then a beat drop with a "WOAHHHHHH." My sister and I have practically memorized all these lyrics, whenever we hear this, my sister is carly, and I'm adam. It's fun singing along.
Bassline is strong before a bell triggers it off. Then carly's verse comes. Adam puts in some spice during the beat drop, when saying "WE DONT even have to try." The chorus is just awesome, makes you feel so happy!!!! Bassline is STRONGGGG. I LOVE THE BASSLINE DURING THE BRIDGE.

They make these stupid kids sing "it's always a good time,"

Honestly, the only reason why this is my (censored) song is because of the positive message.

Straight into the Sun – Jason Parris, My Buddy Mike

A guitar to start things off. Three notes are played before the vocalist(let's call this vocalist JOHN). Before john takes a breath and takes his lyrics away. Then inspirational quotes come in.

"Be the spark to the fire"
"just keep climbing higher"

John at this point is just singing with such pride. Then his lyrics are painting a beautiful scene. A beat drop is sensed. "straight into the sun." Synth break is good, and it just always surprises me when it goes an octave higher. Then John sings his verse again.

I'm getting lazy with my reviews.

After a quick straight into the sun, an analog synth is played, demonstrating the "keep climbing higher" phrase. It keeps climbing hire until the beat drops, which is symbolized when he's straight into the sun!(not sure if Jason parris meant to make it symbolize that)

Beat is typical. Synth is staggered. A weird, mysterious synth voice is playing, before repeating itself a couple of times, then it quickly fades out. Boom.

What I Said – Killercats, Alex Skrindo

Just look at these two artists. Just look at how powerful this combination creates. Let's go check this out.

The song starts out with a synth whistle loop with slurs. They bring in a piano and a loop of what sounds like "stars and minutes" idk. A great low harmony synth made to the beautiful autotune voice of Alex Skrindo. A high pitched synth lead is used as a preparation for the beatdrop.

The synth break is wild. Starts out looping all over the place and inbetween loops is an "a-AH". In the third transition is a "ahh" kinda like the sound you would make after drinking lemonade. Refreshing. The transition from the synth break to the second verse is the same synth lead.

I like to point out how Killercats and Alex Skrindo made this second beat drop an amazing beat drop. If you listen to We are by Kisma, Kisma uses an analog synth as a transition from the beat drop to the synth break. The analog synth does not increase in panning or volume. Just the same melody used. This time they used a loop, but harmonized it after every measure or two. Just that Killercats surprises you with a fade out on the analog synth and increases the length of the beat drop. The beat drop only comes in after the synth lead plays for around 5 measures.

Very nice fade out with a tiny what seems like a synchro nyce type synth choking.


Kontinuum - Lost (feat. Savoi) [Sunroof Remix]

They start off the song with no fade in, which i like. A strong, banger includes a piano and the lyrics come in early. After saying "unaware we cna go" twice, they add in this weird bird sound effect. 14 seconds into the song a beat drop is coming along. It's really great. when Savoi says "we'll kiss the sky goodnight" The beat shifts down when he sings lower and lower. I love that part. At 21 seconds the beat turns into like a rocket. It fades in and out, in and out, all really quick. Then they make the beat faster...and faster.....and faster...BOOM. Then they add a bit of a synth voice before jamming into the synth break. This may be one of my favorite synth breaks. It stutters and goes up and down. The melodic tune is lead by a synth voice. At 50 seconds a synth pad combined with a digital synth, smoothened out can be heard matching the beat and the rhythm. It's a bit like a background melody. They add in a long, eerie, transition to the verse. They slow down the rhythm. The piano is back. 1 minute and 36 seconds into the song, they add in a surprisingly catchy jumping organ synth. Then 1 minute and 51 seconds in, the beat comes back in. Then the awesome synth break is back. I tried humming this tune before, and I tried stuttering, but it just made me look like an idiot.

The Calling – TheFatRat, Laura Brehm
Before I start, TheFatRat made this just such a great and unique song. It's an entirely different key and song from unity and monody, two songs I get mixed up a lot.

They start off this song with a jumpy, fat, echoey synth that catches. Then TheFatRat goes like "hey, I'll hint you on this melody with this mysterious synth lead solo."

The first word, "Still," echoes through, before saying "and silent" which also echoes. Laura's voice perfectly fits this song.

As Laura sings, a soft beat comes along. It splashes as every note hits. Then TheFatRat ups his production with this very interesting rise and fall. Then the synth solo comes back in from the beginning.

Hide and seek, reason and rhyme

This part is just very had to explain.

Then they repeat this section with a beat drop without a beat. o.O

The synth break is just so creative and so how do I explain it. It's so.......

I really don't know how to explain this very imaginative synth break.

Then the verse repeats in terms of tune, but not in lyrics. Instead of adding that synth lead solo, they add an arpeggio with bells.


doo doood ahhha hha wowhaoh

They stutter at around 3:09 which just gets me shocked in awe.

Then they muffle Laura Brehm to create more of a mysterious feel before making the bell come in to end the song.

What sounds like a chorus singing opera fades away.

Hearts Collide – IZECOLD, Sam Garbett
They fade in a fast-paced piano to start off this song.

When they lyrics first come in, I think the voice doesn't fit, but eh.

They add in a weird bubbly synth.

Then a hollow organ synth.

At 46 seconds, IZECOLD does a great job of keeping me of not clicking away. Then Sam sings his "feeling cold" with such feel.

The synth is catchy, but not as catchy as.....



The verse has a snare this time. They make a mini-beat drop with the snare to lead to the actual beat drop if you listen closely. Then IZECOLD fades in this synth melody. It never stops growing in value. Then the beat comes.....faster....fastest.



Sam Garbett, your awesome.

It's Only You – Skullclub, Philip Strand
The song begins with a wavy, intense fade. You get the feeling that you're in the shower for some reason lol.

You can tell something is building up, as Philip speaks slowly, with a vibration. Then they bring in a strong digital synth as a background melody. The beat drop is a collect, and uses the silent technique. The synth break is what makes this song the best. It's so simple, but the tune is RAD. The beat is standard, making it focused on this incredible synth break. No fades, transitions, or any of that is necessary.

The second verse begins. Philip brings in a catchy tune, kinda pop-y. Before you know it it's a solo, a moment of silent, as Philip jams. The same beat drop is collected, and the falsetto hits.

The same, incredible, beat drop is here. The beat hits, over and over, it slows down when transitioning. Then they put it along vocals, which was creative, but I feel like could've been done a bit better.

So, yeah.

Lyric(s) of the Post:
Gold and diamond
Jewels behind the throne
The Calling – TheFatRat, Laura Brehm


  1. Haha
    I actually took off some of my playlists since they contained the same songs, so now I have a smaller selection of better playlists
    Wow this is a big review all right

    She Got Me Like is one of the two glitch hop tracks on NCS, I think. Maybe that's why it's so unique (the other one is by DEAF KEV)
    catchy indeed

    Yeah, Owl City likes to use that synth
    nice vocals on that song

    Fall to Light gives me a rushing feeling while still invoking nostalgia. It's an interesting melody. The beat drop is very Drum and Bass esque, which is why the song is classified Drum and Bass lol

    haha Codeko-Crest is pretty hype
    Little harmony going on, but mainly that dominating melody, which makes me think of some live performance - it has a beat that will make you move.

    Ohhh haha Killercats - Kaibu was one of the songs I couldn't remember the name of
    voice-like vocals
    I see that you like the Synchronyce

    Axol - ILY has nostalgic-feeling vocals
    wow that beat drop though
    that synth is constantly cutting through the beat all right

    Axel Wernberg - Return is very chill lol
    you really enjoy it

    Oh yeah Good Time is a very feel good nostalgic electric pop song. I remember hearing it on the radio. Verry positive. The singing kids are a bit off-setting though lol, but there are other songs that use that where they REALLY don't belong.

    Straight into the sun feels very motivational. I think you're right about the symbolism.

    What I Said has some interesting autotuned - while it distorts Alex's voice, it helps establish the feeling of the song. The synth break is pretty "wild" indeed. The second beat drop is pretty complex and good.

    I haven't really listened to the Sunroof remix of Lost before, but dang, that synth break is pretty stuttery. Very nice melody.

    In the Calling, Laura's high-pitched and smooth voice fits perfectly with the echoes. The synth break is rather intense, but in a...EUPHORIC way. It makes me feel like I'm soaring through space, escaping the chaos (lol, it is hard to describe). Very interesting melodies. Maybe it's just hard to describe glitch hop in general.

    I think the vocals of Hearts Collide don't fit very well because they are dominated by the synth, maybe. Very summer-vibe synth break.

    It's Only You has a very nice melody at the synth break. It's a very intense piece. I remember you showed it to me before lol. I think the vocals may be dominated by the background synths sometimes though.

    Very cool reviews. Lots of effort went into your post lol

    1. Ooh quick note: One reason why I like It's Only You's synth break so much is because the syncopation makes it so catchy lol

    2. no problem

      song >clap< review >clap<


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