Favorite Pokemon
piplup is not only cute, but has that warm spot in my heart in many pokemon games. It was also the first gen 4 pokemon i caught in pokemon go, as two spawned on an incense.

Favorite gen 1 pokemon: Eevee
Second would be mew, and third would probably be something like dodrio idk.
i seem to like cute pokemon..
jk eevee is great, and i really bonded during the eevee level 75 challenge, and it evolves into a whole bunch of different pokemon.

Favorite eeveelution: Sylveon
Sylveon in the card game has been known to be that one mill pokemon, but I love the design of this character.

- Sylveon
- Leafeon
- Flareon
- Vaporeon
- Espeon
- Jolteon
- Umbreon
- Glaceon
I hate glaceon btw
Favorite 400 candy pokemon
Wailord is that one troll, tanky pokemon. If you don't know, I'm pretty interested in whales, and think that should design a pokemon over an orca..
It's also the largest pokemon ever, and literally is a balloon, as he is also one of the lightest pokemone ver.

Favorite gen 2 pokemon
lots of good ones in this generation
magcargo, typhlosion, octillery, quagsire, espeon, togepi, cleffa, scizor, crobat...
Can't choose, but I'd have to go with quagsire!

Has the same smile as ditto, and I love how he opens his mouth. pretty good typing too.
Favorite gen 3 pokemon

bro this guy literally has bananas on his neck. It flies, and is just such a cool one. Hate how it's a regional in Pokemon Go though.
Favorite gen 4=piplup obviously
second place would be skuntank though
sticky smokescreen makes it so that you're opponent only has a 1/4 chance of attacking next turn, so it's super troll xD

Favorite gen 5 pokemon
second would probably be cobalion(third zoroak), but

Ducklett is just too cute.
It's a duck!!
Favorite gen 6 pokemon(tie between talonflame and volcanion)

My favorite type is fire, and I have made multiple fire decks in tcg.
talonflame was the face of the first deck I made, and I still appreciate it.
Volcanion was the first competitive deck I made, and I spent a long time trading for the materials needed in the list.
They're both strong and powerful pokemon, with good typing on volcanion.
Favorite gen 7 Pokemon

Who would not like the fire turtle turtonator. He's really cute in the anime, and is good in the trading card game.
It's a 2 of in my volcanion deck, because of all the attacks.
I probably know gen 7 the second-best, since I know a bunch of sun and moon stuff, so I really like this one.
I of course like zeroa, blacephalon, bewear, and vikavolt
Favorite alolan pokemon
Alolan raichu. tough one, as alolan sandslash and ninetales are so good, but the concept and how his tail is a surfboard i just so cool. The eyes are also beautiful.

Favorite trainer
has to be kiawe, since in the anime he literally always has a shirt off. He literally goes to school with no shirt. He also owns turtonator.

I only watched like 10 episodes of the anime, before it got really boring lol.
I would also consider lusamine and gladion's hair to be really cool.
Favorite stage two pokemon
Besides Talonflame and empoleon, I love swampert

Favorite Shiny pokemon
Greninja is SO GOOD. OMG
so is metagross, but greninja though

Favorite baby pokemon
I love all the baby pokemon, literally, but I have to choose cleffa. It's just...

Favorite legendary trio

Lyric(s) of the Post: Roasting chestnuts over an open fire
ReplyDelete"Piplup is cute"
ReplyDelete>proceeds to showcase pictures of Piplup in pain<
Eevee promotes diversiteevee.
hey y u hatin on glaceon lol
Quagsire is a weird name lol
wonder how they came up with it
quagmire +???=quagsire
Skuntank=massive farts
lol Ducklett kinda looks like he's wearing a tutu
Hey alolan raichu is cute
Look at the picture and imagine that the ears are gone LOLLLLLLL
The more I look at it, Kiawe's hair looks like there is smoke coming out of his brain lol
ooh Swampert looks like he's dancing in the picture
Greninja is cool
but it's a bit weird when you realize his scarf is his tongue
Cleffa=cotton candy???
ooh nice birbs
xD dang alolan raichu without ears looks like a potato
DeleteFighting bouncy electrified potato!