24hourpetition-Week 1
Let's go.
2/7=THe first going of the petition. I went to 24hour fitness at 8 o'clock with a math test tomorrow.
In the car, I practiced what I was oging to say:
"Hello. 24 Hour FItness is planning to take down one of these courts. Please sign this petition if you want both of these courts to stay.(waits for guy to finish signing) Do you have any friends with a membership? They can sign an online petition when they go to this link(points to paper)"
I went well, and since I'm a decent public speaker it wasn't that stressful.
At one point when a full court game ended I didn't even need to do talking. THe people were telling their friends to come over here and sign it. We didn't get to shoot that long since every time a new person would come I´d have to come. Lots of people took a slip of paper, even a person who said that he would send it to their basketball squad.
Very solid, and at the end we collected around 50 signatures togive a total of around 70. Our goal was 500...
ItÅ› definitely going to take a while, and we need a lot of people to help.
My dad went because I didn't wake up early lol. I watched a movie the night before at 10:40 and I went to bed at 1:40.
My dad collected FOUR PAGES after coming home. I thought it was total, but just from a night. Around 80 signatures were collected, and there were a lot of people there according to my dad.
At the end of the week we collected 161 signatures.
2/10, Sunday
My dad convinced some of his friends to help us, and we started entering emails to email people and remind to make phone calls and send the online petition to others.
In the morning, my dad's friend collected 40 signatures, and my dad and I went in the night and came back at 10 to around 30 signatures.
2/11, Monday
We collected around 40 signatures to get a total of 300 now. More than half of our goal of 500 signatures with a sudden burst of signatures on the online petition for some reason. Probably someone told some of his friends to sign.
The online petition got around 20 more signatures. My dad's friend took home around 30 signatures
My dad's friend got 10 signatures. better than nothing
2/14=Before you know it this guy that we gave a sheet to around a couple of days ago volunteered and got 30 signatures for us, and we didn't know about it! So kind.
We got around 18, and we are at the point where half of the people already signed it. Gonna be tough to grind out the last 100. Oh yeah, did I mention taht we have 412 signatures?
2/15=More pages from a whole heck lot of volunteers. Mannnn
2/16=Two more pages
2/17=Reaching 560 signatures.
2/18=My dad and I went to 24 hour fitness. He created a folder where he wrote up an entire page of stuff with a couple of testimonies. We filled up a page to get around 600.
Okay. It's 3/8
We have 827 signatures. It's been grindy.
Why haven't I been updating? Because I forgot.
We're getting bad news from their manager that they will continue with the project. My dad submitted some stuff to the local newspaper, and we are brainstorming new plans to notch this one step higher. We've thought about protesting by taking a yoga section and just taking the machines so no one can use them, persuading people to cancel their membership and transfer with a refund, or standing in front of the store with signs.
We're thinking that it's not possible, as the manager is highly stubborn and 24 hour fitness has barely any competition.
3/16=1014 signatures. We broke 1000, and we thought that 500 was going to be a good number.
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