If you're in any HP music program, you were gone for a three day field trip thing.
We left to disneyland in Los Angeles on Wednesday morning and returned at 5 on Saturday. It was honestly a really fun trip.
(some of these pictures Josh sent to me)
DAY 1, Wednesday
When I got at Harvest Park at 7:10, I realized that I forgot to put a luggage tag, so I went into the office and gathered scraps of paper and taped them together to form a neat little luggage tag. Afterwards, I realized that I was the second one in my chaperone group after Mihir. I met my chaperone who seemed pretty nice and waited for everyone to come before going to the bus. Josh and I forgot our instruments halfway through our march.
After arriving to the bus, I listened to like three episodes of Pull up by CJ Mccollum where he talked about the MVP race, mental health, and more. At the end of each podcast is a segment where Cj talks and reviews wine. He mentions a lot of brands. After I had enough, I tried listening to Roadtrippin' with ALec Burkcs, but they didn't even talk about basketball, so I went to First Take. During that podcast binge we had a break stop at this crazy stop I should've took a picture of. There were a heck ton of vending machines, and they sold coffee, candy, drinks, ice cream, more candy and more drinks. There were a heck ton of vending machines, and when I thought there were enough there were more in the back.
After THAT, we had lunch, and I brought my own and ate it instead of the options of Wendy's, Arby's, Chipotle, and Panda Express. I ate at Wendy's with Josh and Isaac before checking out a claw machine. Josh entered some of his change and when he pressed, THE CLAW DIDN'T EVEN OPEN. BRUHHH. U don't have to scam us like THAT. Then we went to a snack store, and that's when I realized that this trip is great. There's no parents, so u could legit do and buy ANYTHING. YAWERHYAWERYIRYHOAWERUIHY

My friends got gummy worms and airheads and stuff.
I went back to the bus where they gave us free fruit snacks.
For the last like three hours I realized that Shreya had a hotspot, so I bribed her with the kitkats to connect me to it.
I videocalled a bunch of people with the free wi-fi and downloaded burrito bison.
The nice thing about the bus is that everyone is hyper from eating candy, so as soon as Isaac and I clap for no reason, I get everyone on the bus to, and even My. Perazzo noticed me.
For a while everyone was screaming on the bus for no reason when a group of girls behind me were playing charades. I then took out my spanish workbook and did three activities.
We passed by some cool forests and stuff.

I thought we passed by disneyland, but it was probably six flags.

The first place we would arrive is this music college place at this clinic thing where we would perform and the conductor would give us advice.
Some of the symphonic band people messed us up, as they literally dropped everything. Every minute you'll hear this kid drop the bell and be like "sorry." Then this kid drops his clarinet, and when we play, percussion is legit a measure behind and I heard many squeaks. During rests I'll hear thsi random flute just play. It made us look so bad, even the conductor just sounded depressed. The horns even got called out because we were playing our instruments wrong, and I'm still mindblown on how you can tilt the chair like that.
After the clinic, we went back on the bus and went to the hotel.

If the picture is blurry, here's a video
As soon as we arrived, chaos just erupted, as everyone legit ran around. The cool thing about this hotel was that you could see everyone except for people on your side.
After we got to know our room and stuff, we went downstairs where we ate Papa John's pizza. It was pretty good, I'd say, especially the garlic sauce. Mr. Perazzo got triggered about how everyone was running in the hotel, so he made a formal announcement where he also mentions that no one could go back to their rooms unless told so. After that, a table next to us just left to their rooms, and before you know it everyone on the trip united and all went out. I went back and took forever to sleep. I woke up at three, and tried to fall asleep for an hour, so I got up and made this:
I used the cushions from the sofa to cover the light so that it wouldn't bother Josh. In this space I wrote about what I did and played burrito bison in the end.
After arriving to the bus, I listened to like three episodes of Pull up by CJ Mccollum where he talked about the MVP race, mental health, and more. At the end of each podcast is a segment where Cj talks and reviews wine. He mentions a lot of brands. After I had enough, I tried listening to Roadtrippin' with ALec Burkcs, but they didn't even talk about basketball, so I went to First Take. During that podcast binge we had a break stop at this crazy stop I should've took a picture of. There were a heck ton of vending machines, and they sold coffee, candy, drinks, ice cream, more candy and more drinks. There were a heck ton of vending machines, and when I thought there were enough there were more in the back.
After THAT, we had lunch, and I brought my own and ate it instead of the options of Wendy's, Arby's, Chipotle, and Panda Express. I ate at Wendy's with Josh and Isaac before checking out a claw machine. Josh entered some of his change and when he pressed, THE CLAW DIDN'T EVEN OPEN. BRUHHH. U don't have to scam us like THAT. Then we went to a snack store, and that's when I realized that this trip is great. There's no parents, so u could legit do and buy ANYTHING. YAWERHYAWERYIRYHOAWERUIHY

My friends got gummy worms and airheads and stuff.
I went back to the bus where they gave us free fruit snacks.
For the last like three hours I realized that Shreya had a hotspot, so I bribed her with the kitkats to connect me to it.
I videocalled a bunch of people with the free wi-fi and downloaded burrito bison.
The nice thing about the bus is that everyone is hyper from eating candy, so as soon as Isaac and I clap for no reason, I get everyone on the bus to, and even My. Perazzo noticed me.
For a while everyone was screaming on the bus for no reason when a group of girls behind me were playing charades. I then took out my spanish workbook and did three activities.
We passed by some cool forests and stuff.
I thought we passed by disneyland, but it was probably six flags.
The first place we would arrive is this music college place at this clinic thing where we would perform and the conductor would give us advice.
Some of the symphonic band people messed us up, as they literally dropped everything. Every minute you'll hear this kid drop the bell and be like "sorry." Then this kid drops his clarinet, and when we play, percussion is legit a measure behind and I heard many squeaks. During rests I'll hear thsi random flute just play. It made us look so bad, even the conductor just sounded depressed. The horns even got called out because we were playing our instruments wrong, and I'm still mindblown on how you can tilt the chair like that.
After the clinic, we went back on the bus and went to the hotel.
If the picture is blurry, here's a video
As soon as we arrived, chaos just erupted, as everyone legit ran around. The cool thing about this hotel was that you could see everyone except for people on your side.
After we got to know our room and stuff, we went downstairs where we ate Papa John's pizza. It was pretty good, I'd say, especially the garlic sauce. Mr. Perazzo got triggered about how everyone was running in the hotel, so he made a formal announcement where he also mentions that no one could go back to their rooms unless told so. After that, a table next to us just left to their rooms, and before you know it everyone on the trip united and all went out. I went back and took forever to sleep. I woke up at three, and tried to fall asleep for an hour, so I got up and made this:
I used the cushions from the sofa to cover the light so that it wouldn't bother Josh. In this space I wrote about what I did and played burrito bison in the end.
DAY 2(Thursday)
Technically that thing I just made there was day 2, but yeah.
I got up first of course, so I brushed my teeth and dressed first.
Basically in the hotel, there are two rooms connected by a door, and I should've taken a video of this but the first room has that desk I just showed you plus a sofa bed where me and Josh slept. If you open the door it leads to a bedroom with two queen beds where Tony, Roy, Allen, and Isaac slept.
When I walked in, I heard Tony complaining about how Allen was snoring, and then everyone just started trash talking about how they couldn't fall asleep.
Breakfast was at 6:30, so I thought that we should leave at 6:15, and Josh said he would come with me but he forgot to brush his teeth so I just went without him to go save a table.
I didn't really need to save a table, as there were a heck lot of tables, and I was the first student in the breakfast room.
It was really awkward getting stuff.
I think this was the order the food was in
then there was another table where there was coffee, orange and apple juice, and water.
I took a plate, then a fork. I took one look at the eggs then went over to the potatoes. I looked at the bacon, then the sausages, then the french toast, then the muffins with nuts. I took a look at the yogurt and realized that it was vanilla.
What? That's all?
At that point all that was in my plate was potatoes -_-
I grabbed one strip of bacon then doubled the amount of potatoes I had. I then got a pizza for breakfast because it's better thatn eating the eggs or bacon.
I swear the eggs just were screaming "dont eat me"
After like 10 minutes of waiting, the other people in my room finally came, and I got in a bit of trouble, as I wasn't supposed to be anywhere without another person. Ooops lol
Breakfast was one hour long, but everyone finished in thirty minutes, so the last thirty minutes everyone was on their phones and there was a group of people around a nintendo switch.
We went to the bus and directly went to California Adventure.
I didn't even know that California Adventure was a thing.
So apparently, When you walk in you'll see this:

On the right is an entrance for Disneyland while the right is Calfornia Adventure, a nerfed version of Disneyland. Staring straight ahead you'll see a bullet train thing.
We walked and waited for some fast passes(fast passes are basically VIP line, except for they expire every hour. You have to order one on a certain ride. For eg.=4:17 Incredicoaster means that you now have a fast pass to the incredicoaster at 4:17 to 5:17 so you get an hour of no long lines).
From this angle you'll see that some of it is fake.
We then rode this Guardian's ride.
You basically go up and down.
At first, I didn't know what this was, so I was pretty chill. It went up first, then it suddenly went down and that's when I legit freaked out on a near curse. I like jumped up and good thing I was wearing a seat belt. On the side of me was Allen blurting out a mash of swear words as I remembered to hold the bar.
Halfway through the ride it was starting to get really fun, and although it was unpleasant, it was still SUPER fun. My bag legit was floating when it went down.
Then we went to this Monster's inc ride then in this maze thing.
We decided to go to Pixar Pier:
(what it looked like at night)
We first rode this swing thingy that made me extremely dizzy, but wasn't fast and scary.
We proceeded to go to Cars land, and I wish I took pictures because the designers of this place were ON TOP.
It was so authentic and it made me feel like I was actually at Cars land. The gas station was so cool.
We decided to try the race thing. I think it was legit called "cars."
We waited in line for like 40 minutes, and I gotta admit the ride overall wasn't worth it. It was a short ride. It was okay, but people had already said that the left car would win, so there was no suspense. It was hecka fast though, so it was pretty fun.
We then ate lunch, and we went to this workshop thing.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say anything about it because it's secret or anything, but I'll say that it was really cool.
AFTER THAT, we went over to disneyland.
The first thing we did there was autopia in tomorrowland, and in the future I'll be a pretty horrible driver.
For dinner I got tacos:
They were pretty good I guess.
We went back, and I was the first to take a shower since I got pooped on by a bird. Then we went to sleep.
DAY 3(Friday)
Today we were going to go to disneyland then california adventure. A full day of fun!
I don't remember anything, and I should've written down what I did. :(
i just remember doing a bunch of rides and stuff.
The first thing we did was go to splash mountain, which had a five minute wait time. We around the front of the line when some kid was standing up and broke the rollercoaster. what an idiot. We had to leave.
BUZZ LIGHTYEAR-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=515gRvk-m28
fun. A interactive game where you are on a cart and you can turn it. You have a gun in your hand and you shoot objects to earn points. I got 22 thousand, and isaac freaking got 100 thousand. the record was something crazy like 1 million.
I remember not knowing about how you could aim for the first half and getting like two thousand.
SPACE MOUNTAIN-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMMiZFPYg6M
HECKA FUN WOAOOOHHH. It's a roller coast and you ride it in the dark, which is hecka scary but gives you great feels. Love the instrument and there are a lot of tight turns. A long ride, and I did it twice. After the second time I became hecka dizzy.
After that we rode Thunder Mountain again, and I remembered to plug my ears at the dynamite part. I think this was the ride where Josh had to sit with two grown women
After riding it, I was so dizzy, I just walked to mickeytown mainly with my eyes closed.
We ate lunch at mickey toontown where I got a pizza that was surprisingly big.
Then I went to this star wars ride that I absolutely hated.
they put a good amount of effort and stuff, but I got extremely dizzy on this 4d movie thingy. It was hecka short, which I liked because it made me dizzy.
Then we went to...
MATTERHORN BOBSLEDS-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lIiN79uPXM
We didn't have the fast passes, but WE DID HAVE SINGLE-RIDER.
Single-rider is honestly OP, as it's free, and the line is suspiciously short.
The whole process of going in line and taking the ride and stuff was around 10 mintues. Crazy.
The ride itself was REALLY fun. Definitely top 3. You go through a waterfall and stuff which is just really nice, but you don't get wet. It's just hecka fun.
Then we went to....
This time we had fastpasses, and it was in the afternoon, so there was a 75 minute wait time.
(I sat second to back)
I thought splash mountain was a roller coaster, but there are a bunch of displays and characters as you just drift along.
Then I realized that the big drop was coming..
Dun dun dun.
I saw the view and the steepness was horrifying. I rode down and the horror only lasted around three seconds before we went on flat ground. MY SLEEVES WERE THE ONLY THING TO GET WET.
I highly regret not sitting in the front. I wanted at least a little bit of water on myself.
I thought the drop was so easy that I thought it was only a minor drop, and that there was going to be another.
The ride was really long though.
Roy and Josh got absolutely soaked xD
After that I wanted to get Dole Whip but realized the line was too long, so we went inside this ice cream shop. Tony, and Allen got ice cream and sat down while me and roy went shopping for souvenirs. Roy's hoodie got soaked from splash mountain so he bought a mickey mouse hoodie that he wears to school a lot now. I got a bunch of stuff and just as I left I saw this minnie mouse that I knew my mom would like, so I asked Tony Li to come with me so I could buy it. We then got churros and talked.
I was walking so much, my feet were in total pain. We transferred to California Adventure where I got to sat down for around 40 minutes and watch the jazz band perform. A needed rest and my feet were feeling better.
We then went I think to Grizzly River Run or something
Afterwards, we went on the incredicoaster, and for some reason I thought people were sneaking in the fastpass lane because Mihir legit went like "LETS GOOO"
As I waited for the fast passes to refresh, I bought an incredicookie, and although it costed 5 dollars, it was pretty darn delicious.
During the second run, I went on the incredicoaster.
The incredicoaster was considered to be the scariest ride in all of california adventure/disneyland.
After going on Space Mountain twice and becoming hecka dizzy, I was strongly in belief of chickening out, as Josh told me that Incredicoaster was 3x harder than space mountain. :\
I was hecka stressed on the incredicoaster, and I sat next to Allen, who was equally as stressed because it was his first time too.
I always looked at the start from above when the speaker would pump out
The rollercoaster would suddenly accelerate, and when you view it from above, it looks like nothing, BUT IT'S HECKA FAST. I was warned but I knew that if I gave my head and the seat just a little bit of space, it would've jerked back and slam.
There were many tight turns and it felt like I was flying. During my first loop, my head legit had to lean forward, and my muscles couldn't retaliate the amount of pressure on me during the loop.
The rollercoaster was over, and it was hecka easy and fun. I got a little bit dizzy, but overall it was just too fun for me. I loved how there were animations inside the tubes that I didn't know about.
I'm not going to talk about dinner, but some people decided to ditch and take things over friends, so I'm not gonna get into that.
That left me and two other people walking and searching for a place to eat. We found this stupid refrigerated orange chicken place that the trash can ate half of. None of us liked the food so we just went to starbucks and met up with Maanav, Mihir, Siddarth, Jain, Andrew, and Bhavik. I got a blueberry scone and stuff.
Then we went back and went to the hotel.
We couldn't fall asleep as well, so I pulled off my light blocking fort joined by Joshua and Isaac. I wrote some stuff in my journal and played geo dash while they were watching youtube.
I got tired, then went to sleep fairly easily.
There were many tight turns and it felt like I was flying. During my first loop, my head legit had to lean forward, and my muscles couldn't retaliate the amount of pressure on me during the loop.
The rollercoaster was over, and it was hecka easy and fun. I got a little bit dizzy, but overall it was just too fun for me. I loved how there were animations inside the tubes that I didn't know about.
I'm not going to talk about dinner, but some people decided to ditch and take things over friends, so I'm not gonna get into that.
That left me and two other people walking and searching for a place to eat. We found this stupid refrigerated orange chicken place that the trash can ate half of. None of us liked the food so we just went to starbucks and met up with Maanav, Mihir, Siddarth, Jain, Andrew, and Bhavik. I got a blueberry scone and stuff.
Then we went back and went to the hotel.
We couldn't fall asleep as well, so I pulled off my light blocking fort joined by Joshua and Isaac. I wrote some stuff in my journal and played geo dash while they were watching youtube.
I got tired, then went to sleep fairly easily.
DAY 4(Saturday)
Woke up, brushed teeth, then went down for breakfast.
THey actually changed something up. Instead of french toast there were sliced waffles with a bucket of maple syrup beside it. That was pretty much all I got besides potatoes, and it tasted pretty good, mainly because it was something new.
THen we got on the bus and the bus ride was hecka fun. It only felt like an hour because we were watching Despicable Me 2, pretending Aryan Jain was Gru. We made so much fun of Aryan I felt bad for him xD. I was the minion because I was goofy and annoying while Tony was that chef guy and Mihir was the dog. I think Kurt was the oldest sister or something and Allen was that guy that I can't describe.
We made fun of everyone, and It was probably better than Disneyland(not california adventure)
We came back at 5.
GG to disneyland and California Adventure.
Lyric(s) of the Post:Join the love, why don't we I don't quite know
ReplyDeletewow this post is long yaaay
wow u didnt write about any of the tea though
DeleteI think tea is too private i wrote it privately though lol
Haha freedom to buy candy
ReplyDeleteRIP that first performance
Ooh, you got a lot of rides in. Were the waiting lines not super long?
RIP pictures
The lines were long for just about every ride but they weren't with the help of fastpasses.