Euro trip(part 2: CRUISE)
Alright so after staying in Rome for two days, we were going to go on a cruise!
We went on a cruise ship called celebrity edge, and it WAS HECKA FUN.
This video is pretty good but kinda boring lol.
- Free food
- Free performances you get to watch
- Awesome service
Let's just get right into it.
I woke up and had to pay for hotel breakfast which tasted really bad too so it was a lose-lose lol.
We then took a 40 minute taxi to where we would go on the cruise ship, and once we got there we spent almost an hour trynna figure out how to get on the cruise ship. We ended up having to take a bus and stuff. Shout out to skinny bike man with sunglasses for telling us where to go.
I saw this on the way. Hi cat
And that
This wasn't the one we would go on, but as a kid going on a Looney-tunes themed cruise ship is probably your dream.
After a security check....WE IN BOIIISISISISISS
Once we got on, I remembered standing in awe on how clean and organized everything was. The way everything was put into place just made everything so satisfying to look at.
This was our room.
The great thing about this cruise was that they could give you wifi that you could only use for an app called the Celebrity App. On their you have messaging and you can look at all the events through the days. With bluetooth you can use it to unlock your door and control your TV and lights. Through your phone.
Floor 14 was where the free buffet was, and since it was 1 PM when we got on the ship we went for lunch first.
Notice how there is no 13th floor because it is an unlucky number.
This was what the buffet looked like:
They had everything you could imagine for lunch.
Make your own spaghetti, burgers, hot dogs, fries, noodles, fruits, cakes, pizza, calzones, ROTI, nachos.
For drinks they had lemonade, apple juice, orange juice, cranberry cocktail thing, and water.
Soda and beer weren't free though.
Anyway, we went back to our room because we felt tired and watched part of the movie Hotel Transylvania 3. My sister was feeling a bit sick so my mom and I went to the oceanview cafe(the buffet) again where I got lemonade and grapes and read for 30 minutes.
Anyway, check this out:
I have no idea why they put that there, but it looks really cool
The ship started leaving at around 5:10.
Here's a look at the pool. :O
After eating dinner, we saw this show called Ashlie-Amber where this girl named Ashlie-Amber would sing tribute songs to Whitney Houston. The app is really easy to use too.
The show was kinda short but very entertaining. Ashlie-Amber had a great story and I was informed a lot about Whitney Houston. The band was great.
Yes, the band was great.
I just don't understand whose idea this was but this looks too cool. All over the ship are random rooms like this.
Anyway, I was bored so I went to check out the track and ran two miles at an 8:30 mile pace grr. My excuse was that I was running in crocs.
I gotta admit music was not really needed because check out this view while running.
That one has effects on it.
The track was okay but had many hills and I was running against the wind for the majority.
Here was the rooftop garden, which basically had live singing with an unnecessary amount of couches. They would offer blankets when it became cold, and their was a grill right next to it where you could get more free food.
We then went back to our room and finished Hotel Transylvania and watched Incredibles 2 for the fifth time ever or something like that. The TV had free movies btw.
For a first day on the cruise, I wish I didn't spend daytime in the room watching a movie but I was a noobie at this.
Woke up at like 10 and got breakfast then prepared to go out. The ship was parked today at Naples, which is a city that doesn't sound interesting until you realize that it's 13 miles away from Pompeii. Yes Pompeii.
Naples was hecka dirty and has a vibe like China. It's really hot too.
That was our ship.
Anyway, on the cruise app it would give you information about when you had to be back on the ship and when it would arrive. We had to get back at 6 PM, so yeah.
I was very excited to go to Pompeii because I have read many books about Pompeii and I have never thought about the idea of actually being there. It was kinda like a childhood dream to me.
We took a bus from Naples to Pompeii and ordered tickets to go visit that ancient city.
So Pompeii. 79 CE Mount Vesuivus decided to absolutely bury the city into magma, holding the cities shape for more than a thousand years. It was an incredibly big trade center.
The eruption was 100,000 times the size of a nuclear bomb.
So the morning of August 24th(or October cuz further research is starting to change the date) BANG.
Basically killed the town.
As if that wasn't enough another one came around the same size as the previous explosion. Six devastating waves.
So the city was just buried and as a thousand years passed by it solidified to look like normal ground..
Then in 1755 some kid working on a canal project started digging and was like "oh cool, A 170 ACRE ANCIENT LAND IS HERE CHECK THIS OUT GUYS"
The sick part is that the magma actually shaped things so you see all kinds of poses.

I didn't get to see any of that :(
anyway let's get back.
So I thought there would be like a museum of cool poses from the dried magma but I only saw like two and it wasn't that cool.
Before I went you know I gotta get a slushie. This time we got to do the flavors ourselves and there were all types of flavors like lime, lemon, blueberry, pomegranate, strawberry, and uh yeah. I mixed in a bunch of stuff
Ok so uh Imma take you on a tour of pompeii
Let's enter
Everywhere is stone and the amount of just damage and "erosion" done to it proves its part to the antiquity.
We are visiting a neighborhood in Pompeii. There houses are simple: Two rooms. They'd have walls and some tunnels to connect families. I'll explain more later.
This could be a kitchen or something.
This is a very nice picture.
Often times these neighborhoods consist of separate blocks holding many families. Each family has their own room or two and all of the around six houses in each block can meet up in like a living room. The kids can play in a mainly open area.
You can see the rooms on the side.
I think there was even a well in some homes.
That's a pretty nice video of just the overall structure of the neighborhoods. Please don't mind my attempt at singing htough.
Could be a palace
That pausing thing singing thing is actually really fun
I almost tripped
Alright anyway we will now enter a pathway where they store some stuff.
This could either be a store, or just a place where modern people moved the pots here so people wouldn't break them.
Poor dude.
the sad part is that this was probably my best attempt
This is either a wastehole or a kitchen, and if it was a wastehole then uh man this is awkward
Nice arch.
At this point it was around 5 PM
A plaza
Those pillars seem familiar..
Ok so at this point I uh kinda lost my glasses. We spent a solid 30 minutes looking for it and my sister finally found it. I normally hang my glasses on my shirt because the heat causes sweat all over so my glasses easily slip off. Turns out that it also easily slips off of my shirt because it was on the ground.
Close call...
Anyway let's go to a museum
The museum had a glass bottom revealing some rock which I thought was very nice.
Well at 5:35 I said goodbye to an one-of-a-kind experience.
Then of course...
Lots of flowers.
Once we headed back to the cruise ship my mom and sister showed and slept till aounr 7 or something I odn't remember.
During that time period I did a 2 mile run.
Then at 8:24 PM we reserved a table at this restaurant called Cosmopolitan Restaurant
In case you don't know cosmopolitan means "all over the world" Something that can be found all over the world like ants or stupid people xD
Got a salad and had A VIEW LIKE THIS.
I normally can't capture sunsets the right way but dang I got it this time.
After dinner I took a 4-mile run this time with earbuds and actual shoes. Lots of people I ran by marveled with common comments liike "wow" or "he's STILL going." 18 laps lead to 500 burned calories according to google fit. Still not in shape though with a 10 minute average mile time. After cooling down with lemonade we headed to this show called Mirage at "the Club." It's basically an acrobatic show that was okay. Obviously it was great but I've seen better acrobatic performances. Not to hate I'll never be like them.
At one point they brought out this inflatable human patrolled dragon which I thought was random but cool.
Video of the dragon
This was a solid timelapse
So was this one(btw no more youtube videos cuz it takes awhile to upload and stuff. This way is much easier)
Anyway after the show we headed back to our room and watched Finding Nemo then finished Coco for honestly the fifth time.
Day 8(3 of Cruise)
MADE PUBLIC: 7/11/22
REASON: figured it wouldn't hurt.
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