My first escape room.

Well actually ok

My first escape room was in China, and boi I didn't understand none of that my cousin carried.
Well today to celebrate my birthday a couple of my friends and I went to an escape room. "Exit2Escape"

Alright here are my friends:

BOBBY: basically a nobody

Just to organize things.

Alright so when we got there this guy was like alright here are the rules

"The doors are never locked it's actually against law. Please don't break anything and yeah have fun and ask for hints wheneve ryou want"

Alright we get in and watch some short video that's supposed to creep us out. It's a fairly small around the size of your bedroom room. First clue is "mailbox" or something. We're out here bored when Billy just finds a random key. We're trynna find where this mailbox is and then Johnny shakes a painting and out comes a clue.

It was about a knight and stuff so we solved that and found what it was. We put the knight on the king and the box popped open.

Joe literally says that the scariest movie he's ever watched was detective pikachu. Bruh he was hecka scared. His screams make scared bruh.

There's some more clues and stuff and eventually we're cool and stuff. We open this box and find a key and we're trying to open this drawer and Joe is literlaly on the sofa shaking and screaming like wth bruh. When the drawer finally springs open AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

There's a telephone. Johnny presses a button and it makes a noise and AHAHAHAHAAHA


Then there's some wind noises that scares the heck out of Joe when we find the phone book and the correct person.

So we get a key and stuff and we're stuck so we ask for a hint. The hint is like "touch these two objects without using any objects"

I see there's these paintings with people holding hands so I suggest that and we do that and WTH THE DOOR PLOP OPENS AND JOE STARTS SCREAMING AGAIN.

We go in and another room. We go through some more stuff and there's another door. Once we solve some stuff and ask for some clues we realize that we need to do this so we ask for like 5 clues and we end up solving it with 3 minutes left. We were unscrewing the steps and we saw a book when suddenly a victory sound effect played and I was so confused. A door opened and Joe goes like AAHAHAHAA so I get scared and go like AAAAHHH so now the host is hecka confused and awkward. We look at the book and it says "escaped!"

We asked for like 10 hints. It was hecka fun and we all contributed. Honestly I'd say that it's not worth 210 dollars but it was still a rly fun experience.

Then afterwards we went to mountain mikes and I won the prize machine first try ez dub.

Lyric(s) of the Post: Escape into the wild


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