11-13-21 Leetcode Contest /// Weekly Contest 267
Every week there's a leetcode contest with 10,000 participants. It consists of interview-style questions and I do them when I can.
Today, everything went right for me.
RANK 46. Completed the contest in 31 minutes with 0 bugs.
QUESTION 1: Oddly confusing problem statement for a question 1 but the constraints are always super loose so any sort of brute force will work and that's what I did. I should've done Q1 in Python like I always do but I forgot. That may have cost me some time.
QUESTION 2: As soon as I see LinkedList I immediately know to code-golf this one. I immediately converted it to a list and manipulated it easily like that and converted it back. This is a contest where ranking > learning. Sorry!
QUESTION 3: A pretty straightforward implementation String question. I was lucky to not make any stupid bugs and got AC first try.
QUESTION 4: After reading it, I immediately knew this was an easy UnionFind question. I literally stood straight from my chair and knew I had to sweat on this question as I solved the first 3 fairly quick, and if I could do this one fast then my ranking would be great. There was a ton of casework that I could've made more concise through anagram sorting technique but I was in no mood to risk any bugs. I failed the third sample case which was good because I knew what was wrong and then AC first try. I was so happy. I didn't know what my ranking was but it was 7:01 PM and that's pretty fast.
Rank 46 is VERY solid. I'll happily take even a top 200 ranking anytime. I get 300 leetcoins too which is a big bonus. This was an extremely easy problemset. Normally I don't know how to do q4 until thinking for a while, but I knew INSTANTLY this time.
I'm very grateful that nothing terrible happened. I could've had a careless bug or literally anything. But everything went right for me. https://youtu.be/LZ2X0qFvk0g?t=1719
2182 expected new rating. ITS ABOUT TIME.
However, this isn't my best performance...
This contest was CRAZY. It was a while back. Literally the entire front page, no one got a bug. Out of 25 contestants, each of them solved all four questions flawlessly. The problem set was extremely easy and straightforward. The only reason why I got rank 30 in this contest was because q4 was copied off of binarysearch, and it was the easiest copy-paste job in the world.
I actually have the screencast of that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyKphblfoMU
What a crazy contest.
So yeah, thats my leetcode success summed up.
Lyric(s) of the Post:Huh, I wear that ice you never paid for
I got that bankrollBecomin' major
Huh, I'll zip you up just like a tailor
I got the world in my hands
Where's the glory in that?
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