I went to my first cubing competition since August of 2020, so it's been pretty much half a year. I was busy with school work and also I missed a couple of the registrations. This semester I DIDNT SLACK OFF AND MADE REGISTRATION FOR A LOT OF THEM. I'm going to another comp on 3/12 and later in April too so hYPE.
So yeah, this Saturday I woke up at 5 AM and went to Cal Poly SLO for a competition. It was a long drive of 3.5 hours down highway 101. I drove the last half of the way after my mom got tired.
SO they had 3x3 BLD, squan, skewb, 7x7, and 3x3. I signed up for skewb, 7x7, and 3x3.
I didn't make a goals post because I forgot lmao but it's fine. Here's briefly what my goals would've been.
- average = sub 13
- single = sub 10
- average = sub 3.5
- single = sub 2.5
- get under 10 minutes
I'm not sure if my 3x3 single goal wouldve been sub 10 or sub 11, but imma write down sub 10 because that's the big, grand goal that I always celebrate when I practice at home.
So here's how it turned out:
LOOK AT THAT descending averages !! And...I made final round too which was so cool. It was partially because I improved so much, which is so rewarding. I ultimately did end up getting a sub-13 average which was hype. I remember during that average I DNF'd an H-Perm cuz I missed an m-slice or something and I was so sad cuz the average was going pretty well. But I recovered that anyway.
I got a sub-11 in an OLL skip which was pretty hype. Other that I got a 11.02. SO no sub 9, that's okay, I will get there...
But yeah, really satisfactory results from 3x3. I didn't rly had any messups or meltdowns.
At this point I'm like semi-part of staff so I asked them if I could borrow a 7x7 cuz I legit dont have a 7x7 lmao. I think I do but it's an MF7 that I can't find at home.
Anyway I borrowed Paul Mahvi's 7x7 which he was nice to lend me, and I did one practice solve on it which helped.
DUring the actual solve, it was super chill cuz i was just having a conversation with the kid sittng next to me lmao. We were both hoping to make the time limit and talking about how we don't practice this event along with other stuff. I ended up being on solid pace but ultimately finished in 12 minutes. I was pretty sad I missed it but who rly cares.
The ultimate goal was to win.
And that's what I did !!!!!
SO funny story about the first average, I just got back from lunch where I got a campus tour from Kai gottshchalk and he hit me up with a cafeteria guest pass which was fire. Here's some photos I got of the campus.

This is one of my first times posting my face on the blog lol, I didn't before because there were some kids from aops that read it. At this point it's I'm not in 6th grade anymore. :)
The campus is very nice and unique. It's small, and surrounded by hills on all sides, so it's like a foothill region kinda.
It's a low class size of 20k, so around 8x the amt of AVHS which puts things into perspective. The classes are kind of like high school with like 30-40 ppl per class, and so the professor knows you. Additionally, some of the hallways in the building really remind me of typical high school hallways with high school classrooms, I didn't get any pictures of them tho.
It's like 90% white ppl, I barely saw any indian and other races, I saw some asian ppl, but its like heavily white ppl. The cafeteria is honestly SO MUCH BETTER than typical college cafeterias like the berkeley or penn ones, where it's just a buffet of mediocre food. The cafeteria I went to was straight up like a big food court of restarunts, it rly reminded me of santa monica or san francisco. You order ahead on grub hub and use your meal points and there's lots of options of real food that's pretty much like restaurant food, like jamba juice or noodle house or stuff like that.
It's honestly a really nice college with taht cafeteria and the cleanliness and safety of the whole city. And if you want, u can hike up to the mountains that's really nearby, or take a bus in downtown San Luis Obispo. However, the freshmen dorms are absolutely terrible. It's such a small room, like the size of ur typical bedroom. THEY CRAM 3 ppl into that TINY*SS ROOM, and my vision of Kai's room was just straight like messiness. It was so inevitably messy because of how small the room is. How are you supposed to fit closets, beds, and desks for 3 COLLEGE STUDENTS in that cell. Honestly seems so tough bruh, it was so messy, and Kai's desk in his room was like in the corner and the whole thing is just so crammy bruh.
BUT yeah like it's a great school bruh, just the dorms man.
OK anyway that was the college visit. So after all that and the fire lunch I got back at around like 12:45 PM and skewb started at 12:30 PM which was fine cuz I was in group 3.
BUT I wanted to scramble so I went to the scrambling station to help scramble for the group 2. But the thing was that my hands were cold and I could rly use some warm-up, but I promised the staff I would help them scramble cuz they kinda need me.
So I basically just went into skewb round 1 raw and I told my mom to not watch cuz I was gonna be so terrible lmao. My hands were still cold from outside and I was straight up not warmed up.
My first solve was a 6.80 which was embarassing, I was just cold. I ended with a 5.04 average or something which was okay I guess, but I had a counting 6.53 which was GROSS. It's honestly okay tho, cuz 1st place of that round, Jack Stewart, might underestimate me for final round.
So for final round, I started off really well with 3 3's in a row. That was really good pace, I had some nice NS scrambles.
The nerves man, I just couldn't turn that fast, I played it super safe, and solve #5 with all those factors, I was just straight up nervous.
SO it was 3 good, consisitent solves and 2 terrible solves. My average would've probably been sub 3.5 if I did well on my last solve, but instead it's a 3.90. Jack Stewart ended up getting 3.99 so I guess I had the room to choke...
but this can't happen again.
EIther way, I'm happy I came out of that comp with no grains of salt, and Jack is honestly rly chill and I got his discord. He's honestly rly nice and it's gonna be fun competing with him in the future, although hes from SoCal.
SO yeah, honestly a REALLY good comp for me. I really pushed my 3x3 stats officially and came away with more experience in skewb and another dub. I love skewb man, I will keep going.
Lyric(s) of the Post:
"My emotions like it's all...
My emotions like-
My emotions like it's all just a game to you."
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