LIFE updates. (college, collage concert, detention, school)
I'm going to combine everything into one post. I might have a separate post for like music updates or something, idk.
OK but anyway, I haven't posted about life in a while, so here's some stuff that happened, stuff that I havent mentioned before. I won't put any cubing comps here because i already wrote about them, or things like senior ball.
I'm going to UC Santa Cruz! It's pretty amazing to be going into college with this blog that I started in 6th grade. It's actually really crazy, June 1st was the 6 year anniversary of my first post. It's been 6 years of this, and I'm pretty sure that there will be another 6 years to come. Imagine I still have this blog in my 30s. That will be honestly such an accomplishment.
Ok but anyway, I like never talked about college here, for a multitude of reason. To start things off simple, I applied to all the UCs + Stanford, penn, uiuc, georgia tech, CMU, USC, minnesota, UT Austin + calpoly slo + sf state + san jose state. I should've applied to like UW and purdue or like maybe some other colleges, but in general I don't have many regrets in this element. What I do wholeheartedly regret was my optimism, and surrounding optimism that I would get into a solid college applying CS everywhere to all of these colleges. The rejections hit me like crazy. Realism hit me.
Nonetheless, I got into UC Santa Cruz for math and computation which is a new major, its pretty similar to CS. And that was my best option. I feel I was unlucky for a lot of colleges. I'm a very unique person with a unique personality, cubing + pentapping. My grades were pretty sub-par, I had around like 8 B's collectively, but like... really?? It still confuses me a little, during the pandemic, my whole life was literally binarysearch, algorithms, and coding. My leetcode rating is like top 1% of the site. Not just that, I applied with 3 gold medal skewb wins under my sleeve in the WCA. Some stuff just doesn't add up, and I wish I could say that I feel all right about it.
I'm not going to end on a bitter note though. I understand what I need to do in college, and I can continue paving my own path. I can't let it get to me, though it's truthfully hard sometimes. I'm really confident that I'll have fun in college, and that keeps me positive.
Collage concert
So every year Amador has a collage concert towards the end of the school year. And there's like small ensembles and musical performances ranging from a ton of instruments and group sizes. Last year i made a post where I did pentapping. It's been a year and I've improved a lot, especially with the start of and some kick techniques and embellishments. Anyway, I did a same pentapping performance this year, with a different beat. I started off with the AV drum cadence, including all the vocals, and then had some nice breakdowns and beat switches and tempos and stuff. Pretty solid beat.
I was pretty nervous during the performance, and I LITERALLY DROPPED IT in the beginning and it was kinda bad, but like overall I don't really care cuz the end of my beat is pretty sick and that kind of drowns out all the bad perceptions I would hope. Also, my recovery was pretty sick.
ANyway, me and the other 3 horns in wind1 tried out for the collage concert for a horn quartet. We rehearsed it the day of auditioning if I remember correctly, and we thought we did well, it was a nice, short little quartet piece, and when we auditioned, mr cordoba said that our intonation and tuning was bad and later, we didnt make the cut. THATS ACTUALLY RIDULOUS BECAUSE THERE WERE LIKE 5 DIFFERNET FLUTE DUETS THAT MADE THE CUT AND I PROMISE YOUT HAT THE SET WOULDVE BENEFITED SO MUCH WITHOUT ALL OF THOSE FLUTE DUETS THAT SOUNDED SO BORING AND DOGSH*T. OUR HORN QUARTET WAS LITERALLY SUPER SHORT AND TO THE POINT, WE COULDVE FIXED INTONATION EASILY IF WE JUST SWEATED, BUT REALLY????? FLUTE DUETS??? THOSE FLUTE DUETS WERE SO LONG FOR NO REASON AT ALL. ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE. WITH ABSOLUTE NO RESPECT AND NO REGARDS, FLUTE DUETS SHOULDN'T BE THIS LONG. THATS CRAZY.
Just like my 2nd ever collage pentapping performance, I got my 2nd ever detention performance. Here was the first one: link.
This detention has a pretty boring backstory tbh, me and this kid vikram just snuck out of economics during a sub day to play basketball in the large gym. Literally it was a free period, but it's mz. benson and the sub and like theres a lot of complications that happened such as like benson pulling up halfway in the period or somethjing idrk, but basically what happened is we skipped class to play basketball, and when we came back, they gave us detention.
Now detention itself was pretty boring as usual. We went inside a chemistry classroom and sat there for 45 minutes. Shreya was there cuz she skipped school to get itea or something which is pretty hilarious.
But yea that was detention.
School is now over, it's been a week since I'm out of school. And it's not just over, it's OVER. LIke FULLY OVER. It's really sad to be honest, I will miss high school. What a time, what memories.
I might make some sentimental wrap-up post, but to be honest, maybe not lmao. That type of writers block comes really spontaneously.
Lots of things happened in school, like winning amazing race, pentapping presentaiton in AP MT, or just that whole final month-long phase of straight projects to wrap up mny school year.
Then of COURSE, graduation happened. I'll make a separate post for that, definitely. It will be a shame to not.
And that's it:
Thank you for reading this very random collection of pieces of my life these past months.
Here's some blog post I shoudl write about next:
- graduation
- graduation
- EDM, music (what ive been listening to)
- all my senior year classes summed up
- getting a job... (im currently on the search mass applying and its not going well)
- getting a job... (im currently on the search mass applying and its not going well)
- geoguessr progress point (posting my stats and what i know about every country)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Lyric(s) of the Post:
And I never thought I'd feel like this
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