Getting my wisdom teeth removed
Hi, today, 8/8/2023, i got my my 4 wisdom teeth removed.
theres not much to say, it was just a good time to get them removed as it's mainly inevitable. SO I couldn't eat 8 hours before which gave me bi-opsy vibes from my back stuff, except it mightve been 24 hours for that. I forgot, but either way thats just light work, u just skip breakfast cuz my appointments in the morning.
SO my mom and i pulled up at like 8:20, and we were actuALLY LATE, we thought the appt was at 9:00 but it was at 8:00 so they called us while we were on the way and we wwere like "well d*mn lmao"
but anyway the operation was really straightforward and pretty fire. I honestly love anesthesia so much. You literally just go to bed so effortlessly and wake up painless. I remember I was so stressed for my bi-opsy for my back last year, but that sht was absolutely NOTHING. Literally i was asleep during everything and woke up in the revoery room. MAN IS THAT THING REVOLUTIONARY.
But yeah after the operation, my lips were pretty numb and the two sides were bleeding. When I got home I immediately went upstairs to the bedroom with my computer and stuff and just started wathcin gyoutube. Now this part was pretty painful. My lip and chin just felt so uncomfortable as it was so numb and the two sides of my mouth where my wisdom teeth were pulled out just kept bleeding and it was so messy cuz i kept drooling and everything like WHEN WILL THIS END. But then after like 2 hours it ended and THANK GOD. At that point I went downstairs to work on my sister's birthday card becaues its my sisters birthday today.
And then my lip started to un-numb, and it started feeling less painful. Then I took a shower, and then the rest of the day I was just treating it with an ice pack cuz it still hurt somewhat, but not as annoying as before. So yeah definitely seems rly fast recovery.
Alright time to go to bed, I will update this blog post tomorrow! Bye!
THE NEXT DAY, DAY 2 8/9/2023
Slept like 12 hours which prob helps. Took warm salt water and pain pill recommended. Recovery was rly fast, i felt pretty normal, ended up actually going to the park and getting some shots up later this day. i didnt play any games tho, way too risky
A WEEK LATER, 8/15/2023
It has been healing super fast, like literally the third day I felt rly normal and could do anything. However some toothaches started developing on my bottom right side. Today we had a check-up and they explained that it was normal and i shold take some pain killers a little for it, but yea the procedure is to wash our the hole and stuff, so basically recovery is going super easy!
A MONTH LATER, 9/03/2023
I think it's good, I haven't worn my retainer at all though for a month LMAO because I forgot to ask about it. I'm going to prob start wearing ita gain.
Other than that i have been cleaning it with syringe like normal and yes
Lyric(s) of the Post:
Make You Say - ellis remix (Zedd, BEAUZ, ellis)
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