Top 10 Posts
Throughout this past decade, I have published 377 posts starting from June 1st of 2017.
My quantity has decreased but my quality has also seemed to increase, and I've gone through a little bit of a journey through these posts.
I'm just going to jump into it, so here are the top 10 posts I am personally proud of.
NOTE: I realized I went from 1 to 10 and this stupid formatting is broken so pretend those 1. are just indents xd.
10. Four Precious Words(Modified)-
- An updated version of a story I wrote inspired by a true story. It was hard to decide between this and The story of a Magnificent Grape but ultimately I thought this story was very creative and is something I guess I'm proud of.
9. An interesting passage thing I wrote-
- A really short and random post that I really thought was cool. I remember writing it in seventh grade in my room and straight up smiling cuz that last sentence was so fire. It's nothing too special but I need one post on here to be related to cubing and I felt like none of my competition posts was unique so I chose this one.
7. A big review(1)-
- This was just me reviewing a bunch of song. Took a long time.
6. Halloween spirit run-
- I'm not necessarily proud of this post, I'm proud of the "concept" and meaning. This whole event was a decent breaking point for me and earning a first place made me very god dang happy.
5. E my sister is awesome-
- This post took a decent amount of commitment as I remember naming a post a normal name before changing it to fit the sequence. Bro this post was just so god dang forced it's funny xD.
4. My trip to Inner Mongolia-
- Although this was lowkey poorly written this was one of the first posts I worked hard on. It was a pretty long post and all and overall I thought it wasn't too boring.
3. Taken over by Pokemon-
- I wrote a quick little "skit" during a I think summer writing camp or something and I just decided that I should write a part two. Before you know it I write fudging seven more parts and a whole sequel series. My writing gets really trash and informal but I honestly think it's still entertaining and fun.
2. Euro trip-
- This post is so fudging long. It's filled with pictures and videos and I honestly spent more than 10 hours writing that post. The sad part is that it's only a third of my whole vacation, as I was planning on writing three parts. I was trying to push through part two but I literally wasn't enjoying it. It felt like homework for some reason and I just felt like I didn't want to do it. Looking back I really wished I finished and pushed through because this is a vacation that I won't be able to look back on thoroughly. I spent so much time writing in my journal every day for a third of it to not be good. I lost like half of the pages of the journal so it's pretty much dead. Either way this first part included a heck ton of research as I tried to make it an informative and learning experience for the reader.
1. The Story of my Hardships(revised)-
- I felt like this post really reflected the "humble" aspect of my life and although I know like one person looked at it it still made me feel great to write it down. I received editing help from my sister so thanks to here and other than that I just feel like the design was creative. Technically this post isn't done as it ends as ninth grade me, but only the future will decide what happens in 10th grade and what additional information will be added on to that post.
So yeah the 2010s are officially over and I'm excited to see what happens to this blog in high school. I'm expecting a once-a-month-with-good-quality-type post because I'm trying to focus on academics and all that. For now it's winter break and I'm happier than ever after a stressful Finals Week. I have a whole Google Keep note full of ideas to post and I'll definitely be pressing the check mark on a lot of the options. :D
Lyric(s) of the Post: It's the most, wonderful time, of, The Year!
Good job!