A typical summer day

A typical Summer day

    I start off by waking up at 7:30. Then, I eat breakfast, brush my teeth, blahblahblah lame stuff like that. ANYWAY, At 7:50, I leave to this summer camp. One of the things I learn in my summer camp is like garage band and stuff. Now, it's not like the garage band we learn at school in wheel. There are much more cool stuff. For example, there are microphones and pianos. There is a lot more to garage band than you think. ANYWAY, you can change your voices in garageband so it can be deep or high. And the pianos are AWESOME. It's not just a lame piano. It's a piano with a USB drive so you can plug it in. When you play, there are tens of options of instruments to choose from. I mostly use the synths, but I never knew that you could do stuff like that. In one of my songs, I have a French Horn four measure lame melody. (@marvin lin   I COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE). ANYWAY, the folder of music i made is here.
    I have another class on circuits that is kinda fun. Especially when you make contraptions. We are currently making an"inchworm" that my group has like NO IDEA how to make. There's not much to that class, so I'll just skip some of it. 
    After that summer camp ends, My mom picks me up and brings me home. At home, I mostly just stare at the computer while doing aops and listening to music. Sometimes I'll play basketball outside, but it is currently WAY too hot to do that. So I go to the pool. I'm a beginner at swimming, So I mostly just play around using the inflatable donut(i dont know what it is actually called, so I just assume you get what I mean by inflatable donut) as a basketball hoop, and a ball as a basketball. Sometimes when the inflatable donut floats to the deep end of the pool, I have to be very awkward and ask someone to get it for me. But it might not be awkward if I had friends to come with me. @JOSHUA YU >:( 
    From now on, I will try to do "lyric of the post"

LYRIC OF THE POST-gone through the fire keep climbing higher no one can shine like you
you could be flying like paper but you'll never see it until you believe it's true

-jason parris, my buddy mike

straight into the sun


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