My rubiks cube story.

My Rubik's cube story

    The way my Rubik's cube story started was actually quite weird. It started in 4th grade, when I was in speech class. Speech class was for people who couldn't pronounce correctly. I couldn't pronounce the R's correctly. Speech class was fun. Every time we practiced at home, we would get stamps, and stamps added up to prizes. We played a lot of games in speech class, and it was really fun. Enough about speech class. One time, I practiced an enough amount of days, that I could get a prize! Looking through the prizes, I didn't know what to get. Because all of the prizes were pretty repetitive. I have almost gotten all of the types of prizes, except for one: The Rubik's cube. 
     I decided to choose it. Because I thought it would be interesting. After I got it, I showed my friends, and this person named Ishayu knew how to solve it. I was so fascinated on how he could solve it. I thought it was impossible. That night, I looked up "how to solve a rubiks cube". The beginning was pretty understandable, but as I started to learn more, it got harder. You had to memorize a couple of algorithms. And I sucked at memorizing. I didn't want to memorize them, so I just wrote it down on paper. I bragged to my parents that I could solve a Rubik's cube! While they said "solve it" Halfway down solving it, I took out a piece of paper from my pocket. And my parents started to become disappointed I could tell. 
    Well, seeing my parent's look, I knew that I had to memorize it. Memorizing the algorithms were easier than I thought, and after I memorized it, I showed my parents to watch me solve it again. Hesitating, they watched. After I finished, they were like "where was that piece of paper?", and I proudly said "I memorized it!".
    I found the Rubik's cube to be awesome. I begged my parents to get a speed cube, which they let me. When the speed cube arrived, I was shocked on how awesome it was. I started my rubik's cube obsession with redKB, a youtuber. I was shocked again on the amount of rubik's cubes he had, and the different types of Rubik's cubes. I then got a (looks at the shelf of rubik's cubes)gear shift. gear ball, gear cube, megaminx, pyraminx, magnetic dice cube, mirror cube, buzzle ball, 4x4, 5x5, stickerless 3x3, and Rubik's twist. Using my knowledge from how to solve a 3x3, I learned how to solve a 4x4 by myself with an exception of parity algorithms. 
    And that is when I created a trend. I don't really know how it all started, but everyone started to bring their own speedcubes to school. More and more people started to learn how to solve it, and Ishayu went to competitions. This was the first trend I set, and it felt good. People would ask me how to solve it, and I would teach it. In 5th grade, when the trend started to die out, Ishayu made a Rubik's cube club along with another friend of his. But all trends die out......
    Like all trends, people start to believe that it is getting old, and its getting lame. *sigh*. It was fun while it lasted. Even I had stopped doing Rubik's cubes. Until while I was bored on what to write about, I came upon my Rubik's cube. Which brought back good old memories. I forgot how awesome Rubik's cubes were. And I might begin to do it again. 


  1. Well, I'm not sure they were "disappointed" when you saw you hadn't memorized it yet.
    Probably more like "yeah, right. Work on it some more" or something.
    Must've felt AWESOME to solve that the first time though.
    Not only to see others supporting your cubing cause.
    But hey, people still have rubiks cubes today
    I think its just more a matter of time.
    Maybe those people just don't have enough time to waste or something.
    But even if they did just get bored of it, that doesn't mean it isn't cool for you to continue.
    I mean, it's a kind of talent.
    So nice job.

    1. thanks.


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