artist review #1 (Jim Yosef)

Artist Review #1(Jim Yosef0

    So lets talk about his best song. *firefly.
    Listening to it, I feel like the intro is a well produced. Chords on a piano followed by what sounds like an organ synth. It's fast pace, and then it turns a little slower. I feel like they should cut the into a little shorter though, but not a big mistake. 
    I love the chorus. The melody is great, but the verse is the same thing as the chorus, but without a synth snare. I like how the beat drop leads to a much powerful version of the verse, but mostly I just think what makes this song good is the melody. I could make a little better, by adding a higher note after the first two lines. Lemme explain. So you know how the chorus repeats one line twice. I think they should make the first note on the second repeated line higher to make it sound more exciting. Kinda hard to explain, wish I knew how to use LMMS so I could explain better.
    After the chorus is the same intro. I like the fading out and the panning. But after the intro, is a different verse. Which just repeats the same two lines over and over again. After thats done, they change the synth but still repeats the same two lines. And right after, THEY JUST HAVE TO ADD IT AGAIN WITH ANOTHER LASER CONSTELLATION SYNth. which leads to a synth. I like the repeating the same note that leads to the beat drop. And then there comes the awesome melodic chorus again. After, I like the outro, which is kinda the same melody as the chorus, but with the same synth.

Moving on is the next song "link". First time listening to it. If you listen to the intro, it reminded me of Alan Walker "faded" for some reason. Might just be me. 
    The song is kinda a blur. The beat drop got me kinda confused. And I don't like the melody that much. And same snare as firefly.(sigh). Dont like it that much, so gonna skip

    Ahhhh. Eclipse. A classic NCS song. Ive heard this a couple of song. I like the really quick scale or arpeggio on a synth for the intro, followed with a background violin thingy. Man! this beat drop is amazing. I dont know what instrument its called that leads the beat drop, but its crazy. I LOVE how in between two lines, they add some effects. Like the classic WOAH! and a good base snare. I even heard the same line in the intro. After the chorus is the verse, which is different. It's kinda weird. Sorta like a violin synth again. And it repeats. over, and over. And then there comes the same scale or arpeggio, as a background bass for the violin synth thingy. And there comes the sick beat drop again. With the unknown instrument octive higher than usual to make is more sick. And there comes the chorus again. I really love the fact that they add in pauses. And is pretty diverse too. Good job Jim! :D

Lyrics of the Post:It is within eachother to forgive and make a mends
If i've had known then What i know now I wouldn't have said what i said I took the wrong world
Jim Yosef, Ann Yvette-Can't wait
