The beach vacation thing

My last vacation

    Hi! I just came back from vacation. We went there for three days to this place calleed Mendicino
    So basically we left on Saturday. It was about 1:00 when we left, and we got there at 6:30 I'd say. Now let me say, driving in a car for more than 5 hours is tiring. I mostly listened to music which kept me not dizzy. But we reached this really bumpy and curvy road that got me SUPER dizzy. I closed my eyes the whole time. We were on that road for like 10 miles. After we got off that road, we were almost there. We lived at this big beach house that we had to share with some family friends. Two families to be more precise one with three people and the other with four people. Let's just call this guy Bob. Now bob had a little brother named Bill. The other family had a kid lets say Joe. Bill and Joe were one year apart, so they played with each other a lot. They mostly played Yugiyo cards. While Bob would watch. So that left me playing with my 4x4 Rubik's revenge. 


    Ok. So right after we got to the beach house, all the kids were upstairs watching YouTube. They were watching a video called "Funny kids test answers". So I watched with them very awkwardly. After the video, I was like "hey do you play any .io games?" Bob replied with "" So I was like m"lets play then". He was like "WOW YOUR PRO". -_-. After I introduced to them, we had to eat Dinner. We had noodles for dinner. That Bill and Joe hated. Bob was fine with it, so as Bob and I finished Dinner really fast, while Bill and Joe kept on complaining how the parents were "torturing" them with green foods. 
    So after we finished, we went upstairs and since we were allowed to play video games, I just played went on experimental mode and got 1,200k gold) while Bob was playing Clash Royale. After a while, Bill and Joe finished, so they played video games too. As always, I wonder why Clash Royale is so popular so I played a trainer on Bob's iPad. Bob kept on calling me a noob since I would zap the king tower. And I'm just like "thats how you win, right? you kill the king tower". Bob just looks at me with a smh face.


    So after I woke up(FYI I slept in the same room as Bob, but different beds), I saw that I was the fourth person to wake up. Bob, Joe's mom, and my mom had already woken up. And I found that my 4x4 had been scrambled, so I solved it. I forgot what I did to stall my time, but after a while, the other kids woke up. So we had to eat breakfast which was bread, some eggs, and I forgot. Bill and Joe expectedly started complaining that the bread tasted like poop and the milk tasted like pee. 
    After we finished eating breakfast, we went in the car and started to drive to the beach. I wanted to go in the other car where all the kids were so I could watch Tom and Jerry since I had no entertainment. We had to park really far away from the beach. We also had to walk like a quarter of a mile to reach the trail to the beach. We passed by a lot of shops while walking, and Bill and Joe started to complain that they couldn't buy fidget spinners at this one shop. After we finally reached the trail to the beach, we had to go on the trail. Which took us like another 20 minutes. We went down the beach, and realized that there were tide pools. Sickkk. We found a dead starfish with a mussell (rhymes with russell) stuck on its back and a couple of crabs. After a while we had to walk back to the car.(>:() before eating dinner at this place where we ate pizza and the kids kept on pouring sugar in their water.
    We drove to another beach. But this time it wasnt a tide pool. The sand was full of pretty sea glass! Instantly we started to dig to find cool patterns of sea glass or other cool rocks. The bigger the better. Bill would be like "I FOUND A BLUE SEA GLASS" and I would just be like "GOOD FOR YOU I FOUND LIKE 10 of those" Obviously I didnt say that.
    We came home and ate dinner. After, Joe started to sneak play video games, so I became a tattle and told on him. But remained anonymous because I told the parents to not tell them that I had told on them. Bill instantly started to cry and we had to watch a movie. It seems like we were watching netflix, and the wi-fi sucked sooooooooo. We got to play video games! 


    We were supposed to leave this morning and Bill and Joe's family were supposed to leave tomorrow morning. I woke up, ate some bread and watched Bill and Joe complain and play Yugiyo together. We went in the car, and this time we were like "ok lets go to one beach with them before we leave". And we did. That beach absolutely SUCKED. We literally couldnt do anything. There was a trail that lead to the beach which was closed soooooooo. We went to visit this lighthouse. On the way, Bob and I complained that we would get lyne disease. The parents were like "pshhhh no way" until we saw a sign that read "tick infected area" boi. We were wearing short pants, so all the parents that were wearing long pants carried us. Finally what seemed like years, we finally reached the lighthouse. That light house was boring as HECK. We literally couldnt even go inside. We visited a gift shop nearby the light house. And after a while, we left. But this time we didn't go through that tick infected area. 

It seems like I didn't catch a tick. Lucky me.

Lyric of the day: Don't be scared, don't be scared it's a part of live.
