Artist Review #5(axol)

Artist Review #5(axol)

    This is an artist which I found from iXPLODE. My second favorite YouTuber. I use his clan tag in pretty much every .io game I can find. When discovering axol, I immediately played ILY nonstop.

    We're not going to talk about ILY, since its not his top three popular songs. D: But we are going to talk about Bleed – Axol, The Tech ThievesMars – Axol, and You – Axol, Alex Skrindo
(PS I found Axol with the song "remember")

    Ok, I can understand why bleed would be Axol's best song. The beginning so far creates a dramatic atmosphere for the listener. I like how Axol went simple. The piano. If you just listen to the beginning, you won't think it's an EDM song. And then the weird voices of "oh-no-oh-no-oh-no-oh".
And then the vocals kick in. They add a bass. A snare. A good entrance. The perfect amount of reaver. I LOVE the way Axol creates the entrance. The "oh-no-oh-no-oh-no-oh" is a perfect transition. And then the vocalist uses a great fake voice. Honestly, I thought that Axol would create a beat drop, and I was right. I never knew the vocal would lead to a beat drop. I thought it would be a synth.  I love the weird instrument. And then it turns into an intense synth solo. It's weird how verse is very calm, and then the chorus is a synth solo. Anyway, the next verse is the same thing, just different lyrics. And then there comes the synth solo again. It does lack in tune though. They could've made it more unique in some way. I absolutely HATE the "oh my god thing, like an oh my god" or whatever that is. It just bothers me. Ruins the song. The ending is okay. Could've made it echo a little more.

    The first thing I notice on the first note of Mars: " WHY IS THERE NO ENTRANCE." I thought Axol was great at entrances after listening to bleed. But no, Axol took it the lazy way and just went full on snare, synth, bass. No fading in, no cutoffs. NO NOTHING. SERIOUSLY AXOL. I KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS. Just when I thought things could better, they literally put this one tune on loop with a guy shouting "whoaaa". And then suddenly, unexpected, they clear everything out and add in one snare beat. Just one. And then comes a beat drop. I mean, CAN YOU AT LEAST A GOOD TRANSITION?! HOW IS THIS YOUR BEST SONG. THIS IS ABSOLUTE TRASH IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT. Wait. But it actually isn't. Axol decided to trick our minds. it seems like what I just talked about WAS the entrance. And then thinking to myself, "how creative". This song is actually pretty good. Very very creative. I never knew that this could be a method. It was a very good trick though. I still could've chose to fade it in at least a little. And then there comes that great tune. It's a cutoff tune. It reminds me of the beginning of You – NIVIRO. Lots and lots of cutoffs creating a great tune. And then comes a beat drop. With a weird synth break. I like it, but I feel like it is missing a backup tune/loop if you get what I mean. Okay, after the chorus is a different vocalist. With a different tune. No cutoffs. Pretty interesting tune. It doesn't follow the standard order of chorus, prechorus, bridge, verse, etc. And then there comes another beatdrop, leading to a similar chorus. And it ends at the chorus. Simple.

   Time for "you". Which in my opinion is good, because alex is in there. I love alex skrindo. Especially his "into the wild" with kovan, one of my favorites, and "get up again". Anyway, let's just get to the song. OK SERIOUSLY WHY CANT YOU ATLEAST FADE IT IN. Srsly though. And yup. This song is known for its tune I bet. I like the little pause and then they add in a piano synth thingy. Along with a fading in synth voice. With some weird "beep beep beep"lol.idontknowhowelsetoexplainit. Okay. pretty good. The chorus is similar to Mars's chorus. It is missing some background tune. And WOW THIS IS SO SIMLAR TO Mars. Literally. Lemme show you the similarities on order.

weird synth with a beat drop leading to the chorus(verse #1)-Chorus(no background tune)-Different verse with a vocalist(verse #2)-chorus. Done.

lol. I'll just stop here.

Lyrics of the Post:Do I feel love? I don't have a clue
ILY – Axol
