Artist Review #6(Elektronomia)

    I'll start this post off by saying that I'm not a huge fan of Elek. I just don't like the style too much. There are a couple of songs that I like a lot, but I don't listen to Elek that much.

Anyway, the three songs that I will be viewing is :

  1. Sky High – Elektronomia
  2. Energy – Elektronomia
  3. Vision – Elektronomia
In case you didn't know, I really like Sparks – Elektronomia. I love the fades in the beginning.


First thing I hear is a sharp synth on a look with a background synth pad. I like the transition from look to loop. The high to low thing. The melody kicks in with a weird backup melody that is obvious during the gaps. They add in a nice snare with a transition and then a beat drop comes in. There's a moment of silence and then the melody comes in once again. Nothing too special. I like the gaps they use. Then comes in my favorite part of this song. They use the same notes as the melody, but change the synth into a voice-like synth. Very nice feeling it creates. Very nice. This goes on for a little too long, but I don't mind too much. It's weird. I don't like it too much. The beat drop is nice, it's just that they should change the melody. That's the main part I don't like about this song.


Beginning gets me startled because of the hollow synth. I love the background synth beats and I like how Elektronomia gives a feeling that the loop is over, but it just starts all over again. They add in a bell. On top of that they add in the same melody as the bell, just a different instrument. They add in a beat creating a commotion of different sounds. This all leads to a solo synth with the beat still remaining. The beat gets faster and faster and then BOOm. beat drop. I thought they would make the synth break a whole different melody, but I guess not. I like how they fade it out for a sec, but the synth break just fades in and continues. And then this whole process repeats. Nothing much about this song. I don't get why it's this popular.


My first thoughts are "dang, whole new style." It fades in with an echoing effect. There's a weird loud synth added in for a second. Im wondering if this would be the type of song I would like cuz this is the first time listening to this. WTH??? I have no idea what's happening. Are they like playing some weird like uh movie clip? Is this like the president speaking? I seriously don't know what's happening. So unexpected. Weird. What is happening. I think this is supposed to be motivational. WTH. BEAT DROP? WTH OK THIS IS WEIRD. I hear a nice gun shot effect also used in Retrovision's "over again". The synth break IS SO TYPICAL. It's literally the same synth he used for his past songs. I was expecting something different OMG. I'm still confused on the weird voice btw. The same thing goes on as in the beginning with the same type of synth beat as Energy. OMG THIS STUPID VOICE COMES AGAIN. WTH is this? I hear some piano chords and they cut out the weird vocals early this time. And WOW WTH IS THIS SONG THEY HAVE A REALLY OBVIOUS GUN SHOT EFFECT OMG.

Lyrics of the Post:That's how winning is done!
You're better than that!


  1. Yeah, the melody is really a crucial part of really, any song.
    LOL u were so confused by the 3rd song
    LOLLLLLL dat voice
    it will haunt you in your sleep

    1. lol did you listen to the weird voice though?

    2. >I totally didn't look it up on youtube instead of Spotify<
      >cuz I don't use Spotify lol<

      On youtube tho, it said in the description that the words were quotes from a movie called "Rocky Balboa".

      At first I thought it was Trump, then I thought it was some random influential speaker...
      >it's kinda weird<

    3. hm lol thanks for the information. Never heard of that movie

    4. same
      also sparks IS really
      play at 1.25 speed on youtube


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