My review on NCS: Alpha


  1. Waiting – Ship Wrek, The Highrollers
  2. Memes – NIVIRO
  3. Streetlight People – Sinner's Heist, Harley Bird
  4. Phototropic – Chime
  5. Seasons - Futuristik & Whogaux Remix – Rival, Cadmium, Harley Bird
  6. Closer – Au5, Danyka Nadeau
  7. Holding On – Floatinurboat, Chris Linton
  8. No Lullaby – Mountkid
  9. Under Water – Fareoh
  10. Everything – Diamond Eyes
  11. Bubble – Raven & Kreyn
  12. Why Do I? – Unknown Brain, Bri Tolani
  13. Forever – Domastic

I think I got all of them

I haven't listened to all of these though

  1. A weird start with a time ticking and a synth lead voice ish. Beginning is... Anyway, they have a transition to a jungle-type beat. Then weird things happen. Not really interested in this.... Really....werid
  2. A great, fast-paced, start. The lyrics though... Anyway, they have a really intense beat drop with an incredible synth break.
  3. A bit of pride in the beginning. A really random, stuttering synth break with a great amount of echo put into the digital synth. Change of synth and a loop on nonstop as a lead to the beatdrop. Overall, a song that gives you a mysterious feeling.
  4. My second favorite song in this album. Gives us an introduction to the synth break by making it really quiet. No beat drop is needed and the synth break begins early in the song. Good transition from loop to synth break. You can hear a xylophone at one point. Beat hits, continues. Then a beatdrop forms. Wavy ripply, intense. Synth, WOAH. You shake off all the intensity built up with a great happy tune. I especially love how Chime is able to keep this synth break going for such a long time. Then he brings in another new melody with a bubbly synth. beat hits, drop hits, synth hits, break hits, happiness hits. WOAH, YEAH. Seriously though, great song.
  5. This one is pretty good. Just a catchy tune with great voices. Lovin' it. A pretty calming song with no beat in a beat drop o.O
  6. Has the same name as a chainsmokers song. Therefore I hate it.
  7. This album seems to have a lot of songs with vocalists. This vocalist doesn't fit too well. A beat is expected earlier, but it only comes in really quietly. Transition isn't smooth. Synth break is weird. Don't understand why this made it to Alpha
  8. A satisfying digital synth comes to start off this song. Then a catchy tune comes in. I'm loving it. Beat drop is slow, which is a good thing in htis case. Synth pad heavy in the synth break. Transition is weird. Overall a weird, but good song.
  9. Fareoh begins htis song with a dramatic entrance. Then he drops the beat and brings in a Chinese Rhythm. A synth is visible. Beat comes in. I really like how fareoh lets the beat just hang in after the drop. Very nice. Transition is thunderous. I like it. Great song, could tell this took a lot of effort. Then brings in a synth voice. Extended for a bit too long.
  10. My favorite song in this album. Beginning could be updated. I love the vocals, the pride, the drop, the fit, and especially the synth break. Prechorus is a big build up. Incredible song by Diamond Eyes. Just such a great song. 
  11. Decent. Beginning sounds so FAMILIAR FROm SOMETHING. Loops a low synth voice. Brings in a beat. Then the melody is introduced, fades out, fades back in when the beat drops. Loops the same low synth voice yet again. Decent is all I have to say
  12. Another song with lots of vocals. drop is great. Synth break is TRASH FOR ME, but may sound cool for others, but for me.....ABSOLUTE TRASH WHAT IS THIS PIECE OF GARBADOR.
  13. Drop comes in with an interesting non-synth voice, but a heavily autotuned voice. Synth break sounds ancient. Transition sounds choppy. Don't like this song.

I liked doing this because it not only gets me familiar with this album, but allows me to take a closer look. 

Overall, not too many songs I like in there.

Lots of vocals, surprisingly. Well, the good thing is that that allows me to find lyrics of the post(s) easier.


Lyric(s) of the Post: Finally, some place I found peace
In the dark at night Tabletops counters, in the early hours Stone cold inside Banging drop stand still, never needing answers We wonder all alone but we can't find the streetlights go We wonder all alone but can't deny, we are the streetlight people


  1. #1 - strange beat
    #2 - nice memes
    #3 - dark and mysterious indeed
    #4 - Yessss those intense beats
    #5 - there are some beat-dropish moments in there...0:54 and 1:45...but not really
    #6 - lol u didn't listen to this one yet did u
    #7 - Probs cuz it's the only one with a white visualizer (miscellaneous, unidentified) and has a nice melody
    #8 - Nice heavy trap beats
    #9 - Lol Chinese rhythm
    ooh that beat
    #10 - Yuppers
    #11 - gives me a mellow feeling
    #12 - lol ur triggered about that harsh synth break
    but hey the piano/vocals are pretty good
    #13 - yeah there are some random sounds thrown in before the beat drop...

    1. lol.

      i see that we agree on a lot.

      doo doo doo


    2. ikr
      but seriously #13 tho...


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