Bird crashes into window

I was just grinding 3x3 when I see a flash followed by a large thud near my window. A bird drops down. It was a loud one.\

It left a mark on the glass with feathers.

Worried about the bird, I told my dad and we went outside to see if it was okay.

Here's the video. 

It was probably a small baby bird that just learned to fly, and it got too excited so it flew into the window thinking that there was nothing. D:

Afterward, I went outside to show my friend and when I got there the bird flew away and didn't want to return. :D It faded away into the street and it was back to the wild.

I thought its foot was broken or something, but it's fine. It was so cute and honestly I have always dreamed about being able to hold a bird, especially the big blue ones in my backyard. One time I literally sat down on a chair in my backyard and held out my arm for around 10 minutes, hoping that the bird would come on my arm...

The thing was that it didn't want to leave, and it was so heartwarming watching it fly away.


A couple of weeks ago, I was having fun in my backyard lol. I was throwing lemons in the fountain like basketball. DONT ASK WHY.

I realized that whenever I made it from long distance or threw it with power, it would splash. My bunny always follows me around, and it was under the fountain... >:)

Lyric(s) of the Post: "SAVANNAH"
Savannah – Diviners, Philly K.


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