2021, the best year of EDM | Last.year review



  • Virtual Riot's multi-genre colorbass album "Simnulation"
  • Teminite's Pirate-themed dubstep/electro-house with organs, pirate samples, insane loops "Raise The Black Flag"
  • NCS moving exploring hip-hop while maintaining its core elements
  • New music from so many artists that it would be a pain to list it.
  • Lost Sky revolutionizing vocalising old tunes
  • Personally, I discoevered Glacier, became deeper into Monstercat tunes, and enjoyed my new favorite genre: Melodic Dubstep
  • Hyper Potions fun releases

2021 was the year I discovered Glacier, Man Club, Teminite, AIKA, Hyleo, Stessie, Unknown Brain, Ellis, Elephante

That's how I think my 2021 year went. 

Last.fm basically tracks your spotify account and additionally provides annual reports, ranging from so many different types of statistics that you will see.

When I first listened to "Believe" on my Discover Weekly, I was blown away by the saxophone solo. This had a dramatic influence. 

Unstoppable EP was Teminite's return after a threatening car crash. These four tracks are full of emotions with varying tempo's grooves, and melodies. Teminite loves guitars, basslines, and sick drops. He took the #1 spot for Top Artist this year with Virtual Riot following.

An artist I forgot to include off the top of my head earlier was iMeiden. iMeiden produces fun, Kawaii Future Bass loops with lots of vocals. 

You can see him as my #5 artist, #2 album.

I could talk more about all the other things but I think that's enough?

Streak is kind of tough. I think last.fm stopped connecting at one point. Other than that, you can see that in general I just listened to more music. Online learning caused this. 

Something interesting is that as the months progress, it kind of declines. Again, this is probably because the first half of the year was online learning and the second half wasn't.

That's actually over a 50% increase. Maybe because this was the year I consistently relied on Discover Weekly to discover new music.

My discoveries diminished. 

I always like looking at the listening clock. Pretty cool. I'm almost always on my computer at 10:00 PM.

This is extremely balanced. Pretty cool.

My discoveries wasn't good relative to my friends. It's okay.

Not sure what was special about March 17. I was probably doing calculus homework as that was very time consuming. 

That's my 2021.

Let's look deeper into my artists/tracks, as 5 slots aren't enough for me.

Surprised to see Aika up there. I expected Grant at the #6 spot as there were numerous tracks from him that I looped. I love his sound design. 

And there's Skyhaven at my #30 spot!! They are an amazing electric guitar band. I was looking for them.

Hyper Potions, Hyleo, MDK, Porter Robinson, Camellia, Illenium, and TONY LI MY BOY YESSIR

AND THERE'S LUNIAL WITH THE #53 SPOT. There's only one song released on Lunial so I'm expecting a top 50 when it comes to tracks.


It's actually amazing how close it is from the #3 to #10 spot. All within a 15 scrobble range! 

And there's TONY LI DROWNING AT #35

Something interesting to note is that none of the tracks from my top album were seen in the top 42 in terms of my top tracklist. 

Let that sink in....


What a great year...that's all I can say. Let's see what we discover in 2022!!!

Lyric(s) of the Post: 
I tried to find my piece of mind
In my imagination (I tried to find)
Paradise, it will be mine
Am I there yet?
