My story of my hardships

The hardships I faced

    I came to life with messy teeth, eczema, and bad vision. Time and effort could be spent to fix all of this. Before I knew it, I had obtained braces in second grade, 12 teeth pulled out, glasses in Kindergarten, headgear in third grade, eye patch in second grade, and a potato phase. All of these have interesting stories. That's why this blog is a perfect way to share them.

    I'm still wearing glasses today, in seventh grade. The eye doctor told me in fourth grade that I could wear eye contacts in sixth grade, but it turns out that they're wrong. I had always loved the way I looked without glasses, and so did my family. I don't remember that well about getting my first glasses, but I do remember that my first pair of glasses had a airplane on the glass. It sure did leave a mark on the bottom left corner of wherever I looked, but I thought it was super cool. I had to change glasses annually from then on, and I remember being really sad when getting my brown glasses in first grade. I got it with nothing on the glass. I was heart broken saying "where's the airplane?" I don't really remember how my parents reacted to that comment.
    During second grade, the eye doctor had found out that I had a lazy eye. It's when if you cover one eye, you can see clearly, but when you cover the other eye, you don't see as clearly. The way the doctors thought I should fix this was to wear a patch over the weak eye so that I could get used to staring with my weak eye. I had to wear this during school, so the teacher moved me to the front row. Honestly, I didn't mind much. It was annoying to rip it off, but other than that I liked the feeling of a pirate. The other kids didn't really laugh at me which was nice, and I remember that the patch I would wear would have a cool design on it. Sometimes a rocket ship or something like that. I wore this for a year I think.
    Other than slight problems with my eye, I also had big problems with my teeth. My parents spent huge amounts of money on my teeth. Weird fact about me, I memorized the date I got my braces: January 14, 2013 Monday. It was raining, and when I got to school, we were playing heads-up-seven-up. DONT ASK ME WHY I REMEMBER THAT. My teeth weren't completely fixed. I ended up having two layers of teeth meaning I needed to get teeth pulled out. The first time I got teeth pulled out was two. I was screaming and aching with pain. I got rewarded with a lego-set which was pretty cool. The second time I got teeth pulled out........was sixth teeth at once. I got six teeth pulled out at once. I didn't scream as much, but the after sight of my teeth looked like a giant hole. I could barely chew because of all that missing teeth, and every time I said "cheese" someone would ask "woah what happened". The next time was another pair of teeth. And the next......was at the surgeon. Just writing about this experience makes me want to throw up. It seems like my doctor wasn't enough to pull out teeth because I had grown two layers again and they needed to pull out the second layer which would take a long time. The experience at the surgeon hurt a lot. It was just scary waiting at the chairs. It hurt, but I was literally too scared to scream. The one pro about going to the surgeon was that they played music I wanted. Other than the dumb classical music that my normal dentist does. Anyway, after that, one time I was going to a trip to the dentist as a normal appointment. My dad picked me up from school and handed me an envelope. I stared puzzled as my dad just said read it. The words read "teeth removal" or something like that. I was about to speak when my dad explained "This is the last time. After this you should be fine." I felt like punching my seat with anger. I was seriously so frustrated. Not again. I left the dentist with a napkin on my mouth as always after I get teeth pulled out. I thought "at least there's no more of this" which made me feel instantly happier.
    I don't exactly remember when this all started, but a trip to the doctor sparked this. One time during an annual checkup, the doctor noticed something. Noticed a numerous amount of foods that I was allergic to. Gluten, berries, nuts, seafood, etc. Because of this, my daily meal turned into Breakfast:granola, Lunch:Potatoes, and Dinner: Fried potatoes. I'm telling you, this sure sounds bad, but I WAS LIVING THE DREEEAM. POTATOOOES. Anyway, potatoes are good. They are. Especially fried potatoes. I actually enjoyed my new life better for some reason. My sister would often secretly steal potatoes from my plate because she was jealous. She had to eat her usual meals while I got to eat yummy potatoes. This got to a point where this didn't seem right. We went to a different doctor and the doctor did a blood test where she would poke toothpicks or something like that into my back and do stuff. I DONT REMEMBER. All I remember was that there was a blood test. The blood test literally contradicted every single one of my allergies except for nuts and sea foods. Yeah...That was an 'interesting' point of my life.....
    Last but not least, headgear. This was an interesting point of my life. I had an under-bite so I had to attach rubber bands from a headgear onto my braces. I couldn't fall down or jump on the couch like I used to, because my head gear rubber bands would start tying up. Sleeping got very uncomfortable and one time I fell down and my head gear broke. We had to ductape it back into place. During sleep, my head gear would often fall off of position. It would become really sweaty and gross. I ended up having to wear a headband to make the headgear steady. It was a tough thing. Luckily, I didn't have to wear it to school. The main part was the sweat. The cushions would easily become sweaty. One time I wore it upside down for an entire day. Another stupid part of wearing headgear was that everywhere I see, THERE WAS A STUPID METAL LINE in the middle. It was SO annoying. I would often pluck my rubber bands like a guitar to make "music".

Lyrics of the Post: Open EYE, feel the waves come closer
Make Me Move – Culture Code, Karra


  1. I am so proud of you that you overcame those hard things! You can do anything after that!

  2. Wow...I never knew.
    I'm glad you went through all these hardships and are able to wear a smile on your face today.
    I do remember you wearing an eyepatch in elementary school, and I just thought you injured your eye or something (hey, I was young and stupid back then).
    I heard you say you got 12 teeth pulled out, but I never knew why. It must have been painful, but hey - it came to an end. That must have built you some endurance.
    Well, you have something to smile about - you defeated all those hardships. Be proud.

  3. I could've written this way better argh.

    embarrassed and not embarrassed about the amount of views this post got


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