Goals and mains for Berkeley Fall 2018!

My first comp experience
My second comp experience
My third comp experience

Since Berkeley Summer was so late, it seems so early for Fall to be occurring. It's gonna be in a different venue, not sure if that's good or bad. Pauley Ballroom has been really slid. Let's just hope it wasn't like my first competition

Well, let's get to it. It's gonna be tomorrow..
I can't wait

2x2: MGC 2x2
Joshua Yu got this for me on my Birthday, which was very nice of him. It is considered one of the top-tier 2x2, just 10 bucks for this magnetic 2x2!!
It came in a fancy box, and it's AWESOME. Way better than my Chuwen. I've been averaging sevens with this beast omg.

3x3: Cubicle Valk Power M
It's just such a solid cube that cost fifty dollars lol call me spoiled.
I'm not really good at cube reviews and all that, but all I can say that it has a mixture of crunchiness and crispiness, and it's kind of turning dry. Not sure if to add some silk to this cube or not.

Skewb: MoFang JiaoShi skewb
EH. I'm not big skewb person, but I'm good enough to make cutoff. This skewb is alright, but fun fact it only cost three dollars. It was a budget that I bought. I tried the v2 but I feel like this one is better

Average of 5: sub 8.5
Single: sub 6

Honestly, with this EPIC new MGC 2x2, I'm really looking forward to 2x2.

I've been doing a good amount of timed solves, and I think I'm doing really good with this new cube, so expect an improvement.

Single: sub 20
Average: sub 25

Same things as Summer. Haven't really improved lol. Let's see if I can hit these goals

Single: sub 10
Average: sub 14

Lyric(s) of the Post: Even if it makes me blind, I just wanna see the light
Light – San Holo


  1. Seems like you were pretty confident about that 2x2, since you got a new fancy one.
    Reasonable goals. Let's see how it goes!


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